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We have not neglected with promptitude to investigate the bulk of the dissatisfaction with the chosen date for the Commercial...
In this year of record breaking, a year during which things so far apart as Consols and rainfalls have set up new depths of...
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The real requirements of the commercial-motor vehicle, in all its various types, in the matters of maintenance and housing,...
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Selections from Olympia Exhibits. Suitable Tools for a Small Fleet. By a Managing Engineer. " The Manager of a Large Repair...
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In Continuation from our last issue of the Notices of Suitable Repair-shop Equipment and Factory Plant Displayed at the...
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[Conclutkd fi - om am-las/issue] An Exclusive Account oY Visits to the Body-building Works and to Some oI the L.G.O.C.'s Most...
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Liverpool's latest addition to its motor fire equipment, a 50 h.p. John Morris turbine motor pump, of 500 gallons capacity, has...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Some points in regard to the claims of...
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Topics. Durham municipality is to have a two-bed motor ambulance. The Paris authorities have decided that, in the event of a...
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Of more tramway decay. The rising tide of the cyclecar. That what this journal doesn't get first is seldom worth the...
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Mr. T. B. Browne, M.I.Mech.E., Discourses on "The Progress of Automobilism." After a preamble, in which he dealt with the...
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Extensive Rectified Benzol Plants are Being Erected in Great Britain. The price of petrol, at the present time, is, of course,...
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An interesting exhibit at the International Engineering and Machinery Exhibition now being held at Olympia, is that of the "...
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An Appreciation and Criticism of an Article which appeared in our Issue for the 3rd inst., together with Further Interesting...
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More opinions concerning . next year's Commercial Motor Show have reached me since the paper last went to press. As I feel that...
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DEPARTMENT Were to.Buyour.54opites Further Notices of Useful and Interesting Specialities Now Being Exhibited at Olympia....
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The Editor invites correspondence On all subjects connected with the use of commer,ial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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A German Technical Dictionary. [2039] " BERLIN " writes : —" Would you be kind enough to recommend me a good English-German...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Another Sleeve Engine. J. D. Roots.—No. 20,256, dated 12th September, 1911.—In an engine constructed according to this...