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W HATEVER may be said of the merits of incentive bonuses for drivers, there seems to be little doubt of their value in...
Story That Holds Water nREDGING recently in the Victoria Docks, London, employees of the Port of London Authority brought up...
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FROM A. E. SHERLOCK-MESHER • TORQUAY, Tuesday. M R. R. N. INGRAM, national chairman of the Road Haulage Association, in an...
A LLEGATIONS of rate-cutting and the " hawking " of a redundant A licence were made at Glasgow on Tuesday when the executors...
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A N ambitious application by F. and P. Taggart, Croy (Dunbarionshire), to enter haulage by the transfer of six tippers...
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M. D. S. JACKLING has on medical advice resigned from the board of the Provincial Traction Co.; Ltd. DR. G. BOELLA, a senior...
A LTHOUGH the Traders' Road Tranport Association are not politically prejudiced they have found that the present Government's...
Civic Tour: The Lord Mayor and other members of Bradford Corporation toured the Shell oil refinery at Liverpool last week....
T HE question of whether a B-licence collection and delivery vehicle could legally carry goods to be hauled by an associated...
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for an extra B-licence tipper at Bristol, last week, Mr. Oliver Moore, transport manager of the Mendip Stone and Concrete Co.,...
A N A-licence vehicle operated by Cameron and Gibbon, Glentone, Monymusk, was struck off, last week, by the Scottish Deputy...
B RITAIN'S road programme was outlined by the Minister of Transport, Mr. Harold Watkinson, in London on Tuesday. He said four...
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A N A licence to cover four vehicles and four trailers, to be constructed on rail janker lines, was sought at Glasgow, last...
A DOUBLE-DECK tram operated by Blackpool Corporation has been fitted with a pre-war Leyland 8.6-litre oil engine. This drives a...
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A MIDDLESBROUGH haulier who rA had alleged at a previous hearing that in 1956 one of his removal vans had been maliciously set...
COMMERCIAL concerns who adopt %-.• a policy of .refusing to send witnesses to court to give evidence in support of their...
A REQUEST for the adjournment of • an application by Mr. E. Jones, Llarnbedrog, for a new B licence was strongly opposed at...
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0 NF of the four B-licensed vehicles operated by the Cookhill Transport Co., Ltd., Erdington, Birmingham, was suspended for...
A LEIGH coach company were told at r - vManchester, last week, that no case had been made out when they applied for new...
k ...SIX-MAN' team been appointed by Reading Transport CoMmittee to examine the affairs and administration of the town's...
A DVISING a haulier to make a fresh application for a B licence, Mr. Alex'. Robertson, Scottish Deputy' Licensing Authority,...
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—and Austin horse-power helps to bring it - DOWER ENOUGH to keep a town the size of Aberdeen going— I — that will be the daily...
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THE latest addition to the fleet operated by the Transport Ferry Service, the 2,600-ton m.v. Ionic Ferry, made its maiden...
DROPOSALS for new bus stations at I Solihull and Worthing have been shelved for the time being. Solihull Corporation planned to...
T HE attitude of the Socialists over road transport is "astonishing," according. to Lord Mills, Minister of Power. He told the...
W HEN ,public A licences are substituted for contract-A licences, one of the things the Licensing Authority should ascertain is...
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LI r t ESPITE objections from excursion operators, five big northern cornpanics were last week granted a new picking-up point...
two private hauliers when Isaac Swires and Sons, Ltd., Yeadon, Leeds, sought a renewal of their five-vehicle A licence last...
S UGG EST I 0 NS that a lapsed A licence was being " hawked" and that prospective purchasers were liable to be misled were made...
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the Licensing Authority off his lunch to hear a witness at Leeds, last week. The man was a rat-catcher and he 'went into...
S OME changes in London Transport's country bus services came into operation on Wednesday, and others will become effective on...
A RRANGEMENTS have been made to expand the range of British-built oil engines manufactured by the. Cummins Engine Co., Ltd.,...
U NION leaders of 100,000 employees of private . bus companies asked the. Industrial Disputes Tribunal, last Fridayi for a...
A LLEGATIONS that British Railways r - k were unable to provide a service under four days between Halifax and Witney, Oxon,...
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C LAIMED to be an original method• of carrying complete cars to the docks, a stillage system has been introduced by Morton's...
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Draining "—L. J. Cotton Because of the Possibility of Failing Completely to Drain a Radiator, and the Build-up of Salt...
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[E, PICTURE ITHOUT implying that the latest Leyland Atlantean double-decker design is the complete answer to every . bus...
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Association's Fight by A. E. Sherlock-Mesher Minister Convinced That State Monopoly Can Be Resisted: Public Industries...
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Mentality--Maj.-Gen. Russell Operators Must Look Ahead and Develop New Techniques to Create Traffic 6 4 ET us take care we do...
A COACH operator, concerned about LTh the way a competitor was running late services for dancers, was "forcibly ejected" from a...
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Pallets No Use to Removers Preferable to Train Staff to Higher Standards and Use Better Equipment, Says Mr. F. F. Babb I...
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Delegates Divided on Value of Hand Signals Precedence at Roundabouts Discussed for Third Year in Succession TS the driver's...
A NEW development in the chocolate trade—the carriage of bulk liquid chocolate mainly for the coating of biscuits and...
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C ONTRADICTIONS are inevitable in partypolitics. When the support of several million people is solicited, politicians must...
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TUESDAY was a busy day for that quiet tornado, the Minister of Transport. Mr. Harold Watkinson formally opened the Road...
L'XPORTS of commercial vehicles in July, at 12,678, were the highest since January and nearly double June's figure, but such a...
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L ASTyear the Union of South Africa, in terms of money, was the biggest overseas buyer of British commercial vehicles,...
DRITAIN is now making. synthetic rubber in bulk e for the first time. A new £6m. 54-acre plant has been set up for the purpose...
A DEVELOPMENT of their container .1 - 3. loading system has recently been introduced by A. C. Penman, Ltd., Dumfries. The...
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Often an Operator Will Complain That a Competitor. is Quoting Uneconomic Charges Whereas There is Actually a Difference Between...
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An example of a 7-ton platform oiler is taken from the popular range of vehicles costing around £2,080. With an unladen weight...
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DASILDON could become the nucleus for transport on the East side of London because of its proximity to Tilbury Docks and the...
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U NIVERSAL joints used for propeller shafts often include a splined member for permitting change in length and this complicates...