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T HERE appears to be, quite an amount of perturbation regarding the considerable increase in the total number . of ancillary...
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T HE purchase by the British Transport Commission of a large and most important group of companies operating in the...
Artificial Wood Board MANY are the uses for Produced in Long iv artificial board, which is Lengths made of a waste material,...
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Of a dial-type tension-tester for hacksaw blades. That South Africa may eventually have petrol from coal. That " Officwik "...
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HEAD LAMPS MUST BE FITTED 2 FT. FROM GROUND A S from January 1 next, head lamps and pass lamps, unless used only in fog or...
for Overseas Buyers THIS will be the first time that the 1 Commercial Motor Show, which opens at Earls Court on October 1, has...
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Payment to Oswald Tillotson QURPR1SE was caused by the announcement, last week, that Thomas Tilling, Ltd., expects to receive...
October 1, an A or Blicensee may apply to the Licensing Authority for Goods Vehicles to have the operating centre of a vehicle...
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and for the third time this year their value exceeded the target of £3,200,000 set by the Government as the monthly average for...
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Petrol Engine has Longer Stroke A S a result of the ample power output of the new Morris-Commercial four-cylindered 3.77-litre...
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A LTHOUGH he is surprised at the speed at which the Transport Act is being implemented, Mr. H. Rossington, chairman of the...
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C 0-OPERATION between John C. Beadle (Coachbuilders), Ltd., Dartford, and Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., Shrewsbury, has...
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H. W. Heyman, B.Sc. (hens.) J. H. Cansdale, M.I.E.E. A SSESSMENT of performance is more difficult in the case of a . battery...
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By H. Scott Hall, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.R.T.E. S OME particularly interesting facts emerged in the course of a recent visit to the...
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A NEW power unit to be introduced at the Commercial Motor Show will be the Dennis 5.06-litre oil engine, the first small oil...
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A SHOCK absorber in which the resistance element is uncured synthetic rubber in its plastic state, has recently been introduced...
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Mechanical Horse M ODERN in appearance, yet accessible in every detail, the new Scammell Scarab range of Mechanical Horse...
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dated August 6, Production Engineer " makes an attack on the bonus system. He describes the demand for more pay by the workmen...
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M Y friend Mr. F. F. Fowler. chairman of the national rates committee of the Road Haulage Association. has circularized members...
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O NE of the largest single-deck buses to be seen at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court will be an Albion CX 41 chassis...
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IMPROVEMENTS in torsion-bar sus" pension systems are shown in patent No. 602,065, by M. Julian, Toulouse, France. The main...