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T HE attention of the road transport industry—of the nationalized side n o t less than of private-enterprise operators—will be...
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T HE revocation of the licences for cross-border services held by Northern Roadways, Ltd., has focused attention on the...
E*4 VERY driver should be relieved that the 4 Committee on Road Safety, in its report to the Minister of Transport, ha S...
Bodies in Glass A N alternative to metal for the panelling of bodies has been introduced by an American concern. This takes...
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Hears— That more bus stop shelters in many areas would be appreciated. That London is particularly deficient in these. That...
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A FTER a five-hour discussion lasting until 7.30 p.m., the Road Haulage Wages Council decided in favour of an increase of 5s. a...
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THERE is to be no withdrawal by L Northern Roadways, Ltd., of its application to run services to Dover and Folkestone. The...
T HE Committee on Road Safety, in its report to the Minister of Transport, published last week, does not, recommend that parts...
QHOULD the Western S.M.T. Co., 1-...)Ltd., enjoy protection granted to the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., when that concern...
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in 1904, in the early days of commercial motor road transport, the late Mr. Edmund Dangerfield, founder of Temple Press Ltd.,...
SIR ARCHIBALD FORBE,S has been re-elected president of the Federation of British Industries. MR. S. R. HENRY has been...
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A REDESIGNED front end and a r"new all-steel cab are the outstanding features of the Morris-Commercial L.C.4 25-30-cwt. model...
A NEW contract, which is to run fiuntil December 31, 1961, has been made between the Government and David Mac . Brayne, Ltd.,...
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O N Good Friday, charges on the services operated by Portsmouth Corporation and Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., in the joint...
A PPEALS by Sunderland Corporation against the granting by the Northern Licensing Authority of a stage-carriage licence to...
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1iTl L1TARV six-wheel-drive vehicles 1V1 with petrol engines of 200 b.11,p. are being made by Scammell Lorries, Ltd. The...
'THERE had been too Much secrecy concerning the British Transport Commission's charges scheme, said Mr. C. E. Jordan, national...
A BAN DON M ENT of revised services Pt and a. return to the previous system of organization by the Potteries Motor Traction...
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in Agricultural Haulage By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher A • RTICULATED vehicles arc enabling the Hill group of haulage companies,...
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Says A Special Correspondent Nationalized Transport Could be Removed from Political Controversy and Made to Perform a Useful...
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Six Approaches to Maintenance • Practical Experience was Responsible for the Introduction of Numerous Modifications Which Have...
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A SMALL fifth-wheel attachment which, in addition to recording speed with accuracy, measures braking distance, has been built...
I EYLAND heavy-duty vehicles .1-4 assembled in Sydney are being employed in large numbers on dam construction in the Snowy...
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With a Modern Fleet of 297 E South Wales Transport Co. Lt1 an Industrial Region on the E Holiday Area and Meets MiXE With...
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Do They Understand Statistics ? 1 F you were wrong in your conclusions of the efficiency of the Road Haulage Executive, it is...
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What Might Have Been C OMPLAINTS about the delay in the introduction of legislation to free road transport sometimes go too...
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By Eric Cant Suggestions on Security Precautions and an indication of the Methods Gangsters Employ : How a Nation-tvide Plan of...
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A DDITIONS and improvements have ribeen made to the Atkinson range of goods and passenger chassis, which are now available with...
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T HE conventional type of injection pump varies its. output by the wellknown method of rotating a helically edged plunger. An...