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T HE Government's plans for road improvements, announced last week, are no more than a gesture acknowledging the urgency of the...
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Disposal Board adds significant detail to the broad outline of the future British Road Services, as already drawn by Sir...
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That a collector of bus tickets is a tesseraphilist. That a tessera was a small square of wood or bone which was used as a...
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Lists Nos. 2 and 3 Published in Advance : 7,332 Vehicles and 291 Trailers Offered 1 0 help prospective purchasers of transport...
A N action between two big bus ./"X operators, who were suing on their own behalf and on that of other bus companies...
A N increase of 4s. a week was awarded last week to some 75,000 bus workers employed by municipal undertakings after their...
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'THE first appeal made by the London Transport Executive against a decision of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority has been...
/HEN a Licensing Authority verbVV ally gives his decision on an application and makes an accidental omission, which is...
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MR. A. J. RAYMENT, chairman of The Car Mart, Ltd., recently flew by B.O.A.C. to Southern Rhodesia on a business tour. MR. W....
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A T a town's meeting on Tuesday, the clause in the Birmingham Parliamentary Bill seeking permission to build bus bodies was...
W HEN The Commercial Motor closed for press on Wednesday, tentative plans were being made for road transport to take over from...
d the Scales" IT seemed clear from the Thesiger Report that in the areas where the British Transport Commission had a virtual...
I r is likely that Finsbury and Islington Borough Councils will oppose the use of a site in Pentonville Road, Kings Cross, as a...
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r i UlD ANCE on the onus of proof of le-I an application for a B licence was sought by`Mr, T. H. Campbell Wardlaw before the...
T HE North Western Licensing Authority has rejected Lytham St. Annes Corporation's application for permission to allow old...
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EPRESENTATIVES of Oxford Cor poration have agreed that opinions expressed by the British Transport Commission and the National...
TRADE union representatives were I told by the employers at a meeting in London, last week, that there could be no increase in...
United Dominions Trust, Ltd., have opened an office at 20 Golden 'Square. Aberdeen S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd., have...
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T HE Irish Republic's State-owned transport undertaking, Co ras Iompair Eireann, last year lost £2,017,083, compared with a...
T HE Leyland Comet forward-control goods chassis, with certain modifications, is now available as the basis of a passenger...
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A NEW type of combustion heater for coaches has been marketed by the Key-Leather Co., Ltd., 5 Urswick Road, London, E.9. It is...
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T HE first reaction as one reads the Thesiger Report is to congratulate the 'committee on the great skill and care exercised in...
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Pay Double? asks A ittrj aylor Opinion is Hardening in Favour of Making All Traffic Bear the Full Cost of Operation: Many...
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a floor area of 80,000 sq. ft. is expected to double the output of goods-vehicle bodywork produced by Bonallack and Sons, Ltd.,...
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Atensive Development Enterprise • " A the moto`rkaUilei"Iring indus try and in the To f ' . gu sPo. rt (iterating industry,...
sion, sinez7koedal control, smoother and, more powtgul braking and etaler acceleration. The user wou ppreci ate greater...
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Board Warn Minister : Tribute to R.H.A.: B.T.C. to Keep 3,559 Vehicles: Discussions on Sale of Units in Companies "WE feel it...
A P R OG RESSIVE increase in revenue and a steady decline in tonnage and mileage are again reported by British Road Services....
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T HE Faden four-cylindered 2.72-litre engine is dwarfed by the F.E.4/8 8-ton chassis, not only in size but also in weight, yet...
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A N exhaust obturator brake, operated electrically through the initial pressure on the brake pedal, was demonstrated in London...
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T HE necessity to wait for " dead men's shoes" had not existed in the engineering industry since 1945, said Mr. K. R. Evans in...
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O N this page are published , the locations of the transport units contained in the provisional Lists Nos, 2 and 3 issued by...
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I F popular tradition is to be believed, the Treasury regard the' disbursement of money much as most of us would:regard the...
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Cases in which an Accident Occurs Through a Defect in a Vehicle T HE recent Scottish case of Donnelly and Others v. Glasgow...
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J AM receiving inquiries relating to furniture removing from prospective buyers of British Road Services vehines. They have...
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A TWO-STROKE oil engine forms Pi the subject of patent No. 699,176 from M. Hue, 42 rue Franklin, Courbevoie, Seine, France....