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S OONER or later the industrialists of Britain will be called upon to face considerable and, possibly, grave and far-reaching...
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I N upholding the decision of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority to allow B. Booth, Ltd., to continue a parcels-transport...
Preventive MaintenFFIC1ENT and reliable ance to Arrest Brake " braking is vital to safety. Troubles In this connection an...
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R ESISTANCE to the proposed area scheme for passenger transport in the north-east appears to be crumbling. By sonte means,...
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INCE last May, experiments have been carried out on pilot injection "—'for oil engines fitted to London Transport A.E.C. buses....
r LEVEN operators sat down last T—dweek to share out 50 priority coach chassis. The meeting in question was organized by the...
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MR. W. RAY TURNER has been appointed chief vehicle designer of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd. He was collaborator-designer of the...
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S UPPRESSORS have already been fitted to a number of commercial vehicles With petrol engines, notably to 25,000 Post Office...
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TWO 8-ft.-wide prototy,pes of the I Leyland Farington double-deck body have been mounted on Leyland PD.2/3 125 b.b.p....
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The Future of the Oil Engine Depends Largely Upon the Progress Made in Fuel Injectors and Pumps T HE oil engine, as used on...
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Says Appeal Tribunal U NDER the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, a "permanent base or centre," for the purpose of granting A...
'THE Yorkshire Authority granted B. Booth, Ltd:: a B licence I. to continue a parcels service from a base from East...
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I READ with incredulity the article "They Missed the 1 Bus . . ," by Mr. Firth Butterfield, in your issue dated January 28....
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transport organization that the engined light passenger chassis could give a gi performance under the most adverse conditions...
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A Leading Trolleybus Manufacturer Endorses the Views Expressed by our Correspondent in the Article Entitled "Be Fair to the...
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in Anglesey? I N an article published in "The Commercial Motor on September 10, 1948, it was suggested that in each county...
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How the Figures in "The Commercial Motor " Tables of Operating Costs can be Applied to a Specific Case—that of a Large Operator...
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T HE well-known tailoring concern of Montague Burton and Co., Ltd., runs a day-and-night shuttle service between Leeds and...
T HE electric welding of studs on to such components as mudguards, bumpers and silencers, and to the ehAssts frame for securing...
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A SCHEME for driving the front wheels of a tractor by electric power forms the subject of patent No. 610,501. which comes from...