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throu g hout the country and the limitations which have been placed upon coal users, compellin g them to purchase and use coal...
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W E HAVE RECENTLY made reference to a proposal to the effect that. returned military motor vehicles should be used solely as...
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That every day is Interdependence Day. That London streets have a lot to put ip with. That mudguards are not merely...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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0 NE HEARS SO MUCH of the fuel situation and of fuel prospects that there is perhaps a tendency for prospective users of...
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Adapted for Use with the Heavier Grades of Spirit and With Paraffin. A new carburetter with many excellent features, and with...
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By Henry Sturrney. T HE AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER, when he begins to consider the tractor as a proposition for design, almost...
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T HE PRODUCTION of gauges and similar articles of fine .dimensions presents no more difficult problem than the uncertainty of...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford.") HAT DO YOU DO when she suddenly 'starts smissing? Different drivers...
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A London County Council Lorry Using Compressed Gas. In the .accompanying illustrations we show. a 24 h.p. .AIIdays two-ton...
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By "The Inspector." WEIIL ST IT STILL APPEARS to be considered economical by most of the public authorities to continue to...
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Suitable Implements Desirable. New Import and Sale Regulations. • One of the needs of the farmer who owns a tractor is a...
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Assistance in Pressing Claims, Can I Get Petrol for Coal Delivery ? [4402] (Wales).—There is no association membership. of...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one , side...
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A PRIZE 013' TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the tender of tlw best letter which we publish on this page; all others are...
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• Another One-way Motor Plough. The Wells ' rricitor balance plough is of the ' type in which an interoal-cembustion engine,...