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Dogs Cause 75,0 . 00 Accidents a Year R OAD accidents in 1951 caused by dogs numbered 75,000 and cost the community aim. Such...
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That the letters B.R.S. will one day mean Bought, reorganized, sold." That the letters R.P.E., on the other hand, just meant "...
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Labour Mobilizes: P.S.V. Operators and Hauliers Vexed : Bitterness Over Levy • L ABOUR reaction to the publication of the...
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"j CALCULATE that if we had the motor roads envisaged in the I Special Roads Act . . 800 miles of special motor roads . . . we...
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C LAIMING that Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., and its associated companies, Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., Central S.M.T. Co., Ltd., W....
MAJOR E. W. SENIOR has joined the board of G.. Beaton and Sons, Ltd. MR. W: L. STLW AY and MR. R. J. SHIPTON have joined the...
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A N appeal by Bramford's Road Transport, Ltd., against a balancing charge of 16,330 has been dismissed by the Special...
WHEN the inquiry concerning bus VY services in Oxford continued last week, Sir. Edwin Herbert, for City of Oxford Motor...
A T the recent meeting in Paris of the committee on road transport of the International Chamber of Commerce, the establishment...
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A LTHOUGH several company and municipal operators have managed in the past financial year to make a profit, rising costs are...
W HEN Cumberland Motor Services, Ltd., applied last week to the Northern Licensing Authority for permission to vary a licence...
T HEsuggestion made recently that Glasgow Transport Department might seek to eliminate the Id. tram fare was responsible for...
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panics and of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., pointed out the serious effects of Budget increases in fuel duty at their...
TMLATER AL waiting for all kJ vehicles is to be introduced, for an experimental pericid, on 31 streets in the inner and outer...
TranspOrt, proposes to visit depots of British Road Services. • He Will investigate the opinion§ of employees on...
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E Transport Arbitration Tribunal last week awarded 131,862 compensation to John Eastham and Sons, Ltd., Fox Street,. Bury,...
A PPEALING at West London rA Magistrates' Court this week against the refusal of the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police to...
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Clause by Clause T HE Transport Bill, which was summarized in The Commercial Motor" last week, is a compact document of 33...
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THE Post Office has recently intro/. duced mechanical handling to reduce loading and unloading times in one of its...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. Albion Victor Passenger Chassis Built for 33-seater Bus or 26-seat Coach has Moderatesized...
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with Integration"—B.T.C. Report " HE building up of a new road transport organization out of thousands of separate businesses...
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The Transport Bill Creates Uncertainty About the Future of the Manufacturing Facilities of the B.T.C. DUBLICAT10N of the...
AODIFIED version of the Tempo/VI Matador four-wheeled light van have been announced. Formerly, the vehicles have been available...
TOKYO'S first trolleybus route, I operated by 20 single-deckers originally manufactured by the Hino Diesel Co. for export to...
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Dangers for Operators A Generally Well-drafted Bill Contains Difficulties for Purchasers of Transport Units, Ambiguity...
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I HOPE the caption to the picture of one of I our buses with its pram rail •(" The Commercial Motor," April 25) will not...
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Uncompromising Critics of a Bill that Contains Much Good Strengthen the Hand of its Parliamentary Opponents : The Government's...
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Town and Country Costs "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Shows Why it is Impossible to Apply a National Rates Schedule, and...
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Do( using . battery-electric vehicles, .L 1 two men were able to deliver 45 tons • of coal at an average. cost of 6s. 6d. per...