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The minutes of last week's committee meeting of the C.M.U.A., which we publish on page 383, will show that, as we anticipated,...
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"Happy are the tramless towns." That Parade results mean trade results. Oi fitting briskness in body-making lines. That...
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Three-ton Wagons on Mountain Roads Routes Along Canons—For Timber Hauling and Mining Camp Transport -Rubbernecking in Mexico....
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Our illustrations show the exterior and the interior fittings of an Albion caravan which has been built for use in Spain. The...
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To Collect Calcutta' s Rubbish. Repair Difficulties. If Rangoon were to Catch Fire. Tigers and Wolves on a Bus Route. From Our...
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By L. Mantel!. [An article entitled" Valve Timing and Petrol Consumption," by the present author, which we published in our...
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The central gate of Wales. is Shrewsbury, and whether you approach the Principality by road or rail you find yourself somehow...
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The Poplar Borough Council is about to purchase a light electric motorvan for the use of its Electrical Department. The Watch...
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We recently visited the body-building factory of Messrs. Alford and Alder, 53, Newington Butts, S.E., a firm which has been in...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads ai many wealthy commercial houses. Topical Subjects. Our leading articles this...
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Petrol-Electric v. Steam in Hungary.--A Luxurious Benz Single-deck Bus. (From Our Continental Correspondents.) Petrol-Electric...
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Locomotives or Heavy Motorcars? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1349] Sir,--I am glad to see that you have again drawn...
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In - terview 31 " I Can Supply Customers Much More Rapidly Since Dispensing with Horses." The first of this series of articles...
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First-published Particulars of an Interesting New Vehicle. While we in England are observing with great interest the large...
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Makers of Fire-escape Trussed Ladders. [2401] (Glasgow Makers).—We have ascertained, on the authority of the London Fire...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. Hand - operated Elevating Trucks. Trucks which enable time to be saved in the transporting of...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Sparking-plug Improvement. Novel Piston Rings. Steam Packing. II. G. LONGFORD and W. A. Cretux, No. 7365, dated 20th...