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Recognized in Business and Military. Circles as the Leading Journal. The Authority on all forms of Motor Transport. Largest...
We have again been asked, by several correspondents, to state our views in respect of the taking out by owners of an annual...
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The Defence of the Realm has necessitated an important extension of the Government's powers in regard to the direction of...
It is a rule with this journal to make users' interests and users' views our guiding consideration. Criticism which is so based...
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That Germany's transport includes Flagenbeck's elephants. That cottoning between the U.S.A. and Germany is determined. That...
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Failure to Conquer the Air : the Impossibility of the Zeppelin. Foreseeing the Invasion of Belgium. The Way to Berlin. Major...
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Including an Interesting Account of the Workshop and Repair Organization Under British Military Control on the Continent....
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Provincial Interest in Transport- , Iniantry Drill. By THE EDITOR The present is not a time to make work for the fun of the...
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Two, Three, Four and Six-ton Garner Live-axle Chassis. Mr. Henry Garner, principal partner in the firm of Henry Garner, Ltd.,...
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Proposals and Purchases. Sunbury U.D.C. is about to purchase a Dennis motor fire-engine, at 2650. Bromley Guardians are to...
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We are at all times gratified to see that the weekly list of donations in cash includes one or more first or repeat collections...
We pointed out, at some length, in our issue of last week, that demands for extra comforts will be maintained throughout the...
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Complaints are very few and far between, and when they do come they ,principally emanate from someone who brings to Our notice...
every passing motor raised clouds of dust as high as the tree-tops. Can it-be that, in these circumstances, we shall not...
Worthing (2 mufflers, 5 body belts, 1 helmet, 3 pairs mittens, 3 . pairs cuffs, 1 cap). Mrs. P. N. Bell, Edinburgh (2 pairs...
Mrs. Armstrong, Limpsfield (1 pair gloves). Miss 0. Barron, London (70 pairs mittens). Miss Mary Bradley, Durham (2 pairs...
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Battery v. Battery. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1391] Sir,—In your recent article on "The Choice of a Battery" (11th...
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Tires far a Golf Club's Station Omnibus. [2589] (Direetor).—We think that you would probably find the K.T. tire, as supplied...
Dta.ched Units. Will the O.C.s of A.S.C„ M.T„ detachments or separate units, which are not classified with C)Iumns, Parks or...
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Napier and Zenith Carburetters. Daimler Brake. Peugeot Valve-gear. Copies of complete specifications of the patents published...