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Members of the motor industry have heard with feelings of some concern that the Automobile Club has approved of the appointment...
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It will be observed that advertisers, both new and old, support " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." We proved the courage of our...
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Provision to increase output of Commercial Motors well advanced. Those not behind the scenes can have no conception of the...
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It is well known to engineers that the smaller the boiler the more important becomes the question of water supply. With a large...
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Additional Reports from Users. It is a matter for regret that some particulars were too late for inclusion in our eight-page...
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On Monday last a member of our stall drove the Canadian Government's advertising van, which was described by us last week, from...
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The French Minister of Agriculture advises us that there are only two entries for the demonstrations to be held at Bordeaux in...
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The Dieter engine, manufactured by the Dieter Steam Engine Co., of lob, Liberty Street, New York, is a fourcylinder,...
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Described=_by its Builder, Mr. James Sumner. A 5-ton 'steam wagon was built in the year 1884, at Leyland, Lancashire, by the...
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Tyres and Speeds. To the Editor of" THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir, —I have read with great interest Mr. R. E, Gibbons's remarks...
A Fractured Crank Shaft. (Woodlesford) writes :—" A short time ago one of our 5-ton steam wagons broke its crankshaft across...
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No. 29,370 : Dated June 15, 19o4.—A. De Dion and G. Bouton, France.—This clutch comprises a disc A carried by the driven shaft...