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R AILWAY chiefs often criticize The Commercial Motor for the manner in which it upholds the rights of road transport and for...
the contractcarriage section of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, is generally agreed to be necessary, fears are being expressed, in...
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THE Minister of Transport, Mr. Oliver Stanley, speaking at the recent National Safety First Association Congress, mentioned...
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That tail - wagging conciliates no drivers. That 75 per cent. of Britain's traffic-signal installa4ions are of the fixed-cycle...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Dennis Exhibits at a Fire-brigade Conference. Five machines represented' the firefighting range of products of Dennis...
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Reporting on an inquiry by the Ministry of Transport, regarding an experiment in marking off traffic lanes on a length of...
T HE Albion Victor-type passenger chassis has, hitherto, been listed as suitable for bodies seating 20 to 26 passengers. It is...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent SPECIAL SPEED LIMIT UNTIL 1939. THE Standing Committee of the "...
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makes easy work of a hard task R UGGED, like the country in which it is built, the Albion M55 goods chassis, introduced last...
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Wini EN an Invenuie fish-contracting rm complained to the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority that a railway lorry had been...
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A DRAFT of the Provisional Regulations as to the keep ing of records in connection with goods vehicles has been submitted by...
T HE number of motor vehicles registered for the first time under the Roads Act, 1920, during March, 3934, was 43,735,...
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RAILWAY OBJECTIONS TO DISCRETIONARY TONNAGE. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [43101 Sir,—la the interests of transport...
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4RCIAL-VEHICLE exhibits at the 26th annual Poire de Paris, which has just opened, are confined to fire-engines, municipal...
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A BOUT 70 persons were present at a meeting of hauliers held under the auspices of the South London Committee of the Road...
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\IGH for MILITARY USAGE A MOST interesting exhibition of the many purposes for which petrol and oil-engined vehicles,...
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DAILY NEWSPAPERS FOR PARIS BY AIR. • Messrs. Wrightson and Pearse have made a four-months charter contract to carry newspapers...
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different proposition from or dinary haulage work, where practically all the\ running takes place over good " made " roads. For...
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A' London Concern is Now Specializing in the Installation of Perkins Engines in Reconditioned Second-hand Chassis meet a...
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A DESIGN of passenger-vehicle body that is eminently suitable for pressed-steel construction (although the possibility of using...