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T RADE and industry are unlikely to welcome the 'recommendation of the Ports Efficiency Committee that to reduce congestion at...
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T HE high initial cost of a double-deck bus, coupled with the heavy maintenance charges incurred during the later years of its...
Girling Plans for the Future 'THE huge, main production factory of Girling, Ltd., I Grange Works, Cwmbran, is being completely...
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That productivity, profits and wages are the modern eternal triangle, the solution of which might square the vicious circle....
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THE application of Manchester I Transport Department to pay its staff 2d, an hour more than the national minimum is to be heard...
Q NE of the problems being discussed by the provisional long-distance hauliers' committee of the Road Haulage Association is...
A NEW 7-ton oil-engined chassis is / - 1. nearing completion in the Cornish town of Helston. The vehicle, made by Curnow's...
B ECAUSE of the Whitsun holiday, the next issue will he published on Saturday instead of Friday.
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Inadequate Facilities Claimed to Have Caused Loss and Increased Costs . C OMPLAINTS that inadequate transport facilities had...
R ATE-CUTTING was alleged by an objecting firm when Mr. W. Bell, Felling-on-Tyne, applied to the Northern Licensing Authority,...
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MR. H. DE G. WARTER has become public relations officer of the Regent Oil Co., Ltd. MRS. V. G. ELELMAN is assistant to him....
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V ET another Socialist attempt to place a time limit on the sale of A the parcels and meat-transport or g anizations of the...
Lo.T.• President , • T " presidency of the Institute of Transport for 1956-1957 will be takenover on October 1 by Mr. F. H....
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'THE final audit on the disposal of vehicles is likely to be completed by the Road Haulage Disposal Board shortly after the...
IN the Chancery Division on Tuesday, 1 Mr. Justice Vaisey allowed an application by White's Removals and Transport, Ltd., Great...
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LINES and costs totalling £107 2s. 4d. I were imposed on Raymond Atkinson, haulier, Pernberley, Pennine Avenue, Riddings, by...
Peterborough Highways Committee are to buy a Lewin sweeper. Felling Urban District Council are to buy a Thames 1-tanner from...
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Limit Now I T action should be taken by the Minister of Transport to abolish the "archaic " 20 m.p.h. limit, the Association...
W ITH a total of 43,347 units valued at £27m., commercial vehicle exports for the first three months of the year were a record....
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S HAREHOLDERS in the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., were reminded by Mr. W. T. James, chairman, at the company's annual...
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P LA. Conference Scarborough ., ' THROW-AWAY ' type of vehicle would eliminate many overhead expenses now incurred in...
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G IV1NG an example of the effect on vehicle maintenance of abnormal road .conditions, Mr. Dean said that one company in the...
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Bunged Up! By The Hawk P lPELINES fan out in all directions from Government offices. They were invented by Whitehall to...
MEW developments in the field of non-standard fuels for road vehicles come once a g ain from Holland, where li q uefied...
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D ELEGATES attending the annual conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers at Tunbridge...
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S TRONG competition by the railways gives the road transport industry a back place in the pattern of American distribution....
A SERVICE to afford a return trip to Paris from London for £8 10s. starts at Whitsun. Passengers will travel by coach from...
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Ban on Delivery at Peak Hours ? i; ITH our present traffic con gestion, deliveries should not be made during what are...
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By a Special Correspondent T HREE British vehicles gained major awards in the 9th International Coach Rally at Nice last week....
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if it is involved in an accident is usually regarded as a matter exclusively for one's insurance company—and so, in general, it...
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N EW machines that had not been announced before the opening appear on a number of stands at the Mechanical Handling Exhibition...
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rubber suspension, has recently completed 15,000 miles on the Kelso. Berwick route of Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd. The designer is...
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S INCE registration in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, on December 14, 1954, Rhodesia United Transport, Ltd., who are controlled...
T) replace the composite goods and personnelcarrier bodywork for the Trojan 7-ft. 10-in.wheelbase oil-engined chassis, Trojan,...
XPORT orders for the Leyland Comet to/al over £3m. this year, state Leyland Motors, Ltd., who report that overseas demands for...
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L AST week the London County Council put into service a Dennis Triton coach designed for use by physically handicapped people....
100,000 lb., the new Tugmaster Series 4 tractor, produced by Douglas Equipment, Ltd., Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham, has been...
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T HE present Minister of Transport is deservedly winning some praise as the man who means business instead of politics. Inside...
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Meeting Urgent Need for Spares T OUR leading article on the spares situation, pu Wished in the issue dated April 27, is...
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F URTHER lorries bought from British Ro ad Services have changed hands. Direct purchases of vehicles forming transport units...
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1-1 A DISTINCTIVE feature of a new brewer's delivery vehicle supplied to Davenport's !' CB," Ltd., Birmingham, by John Bryant...
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B RICK making is amongst the most important of our industries, and it follows that brick haulage is of prime importance. The...
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A N air diffuser which is adjustable over the whole range from full air flow to complete shut-off has been produced by Richard...
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P ATENT No. 743,976 (A. Moulton, The Hall, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts), discloses a rubber suspension system for trailers and...