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The Prime Minister's plans to sell shares in the public sector has a great deal to commend it to all parties of every shade. No...
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A NEW MEMORANDUM urging Mrs Thatcher's Government to move towards increased vehicle weights has been sent to the Transport...
SCOTTISH LA Alexar Birnie is retiring at the en July. Mr Birnie has been SI tish LA and chairman of traffic commissioners cc...
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DETAILS of a new international convention for safe containers have been published by the 'Health and Safety Executive in its...
SPECIAL permit arrangements concluded during the civil servants' dispute have now been terminated and hauliers on international...
TRANSPORT operators may be prohibited from using a new set of safety signs proposed by the Health and Safety Executive because...
ULSTER Mercedes-Benz dealer Agnew's has opened a new centre in Mallusk Road, Newtownabbey, near Belfast. It provides sales,...
MARKET research in passenger transport and The monitoring of transport schemes are the subjects of two separate short courses...
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A BRANCH of the Transport and General Workers Union has called the tachograph an instrument of management control. In a report...
in Foster's report' LECENT PROPOSALS to revolutionise both role of licencing uthorities and all traffic area offices looked...
A NEW electronic a] weigher has been introduc by W and T Avery of Smel wick to enable consumer pi tection officers to check...
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T IS almost inevitable that arguments in favour of heavier orries from the Scottish Freight Transport Association should *...
JAMES MORRELL, a director cof the Henley Centre for Forecasting, gave his audience cd 200 distribution managers much food for...
TAKEOVER plans by German tyre company, C tinental, have not affected Introduction of a new ct mercial vehicle tyre ram from...
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THE MOST IMMEDIATE task the new Transport Minister Norman Fowler faces is to implement the use of the tachograph — an...
THERE may be gloom in Continental Europe, but not here in the UK. In the Transit market, for example, last year 104,500 were...
WHEN A COAL LORRY driver was called to help a senior partner of the firm move a broken-down lorry in ice and snow, the boss...
THE DON Safety Trophy for 1978 has been awarded to Quinton Hazell, for its Underider under-run protection device. The...
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■ I APPEAL by a van driver to thought a party at home is more important than his ark was dismissed by the Inistrial Tribunal,...
COMMERCIAL vehicle production at Ford's British plants is well up on last year, company chairman Sir Terence Beckett said in...
THE ROAD Transport Show to be held at Brighton it October, is beginning to takt shape. Organiser the Road Haulago Association...
ABERDEEN farmers' co , operative North Easterr Farmers, in the throes of possible take-over bid witt FMC for Lawsons of Dyce...
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PORTSMOUTH'S new passenger transport manager is Eric Boyes. He is at present the deputy director of transport with Blackburn,...
operations director following the retirement of William Morgan in June. Eastern Counties Omnibus has appointed Bernard Rootham...
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THE PUBLIC is being encouraged to help shape new West Midlands PTE bus services in Warley. Before it introduces a simplified...
LONDON TRANSPORT has made a "laudable" attempt to improve bus services with its planned reorganisation of routes and its...
THE GREATER Glass Passenger Transp Executive withdrew the ci entire bus service on Satur — forcing thousands of si pers and...
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COACH OPERATORS should modify their activities to take account of new drivers' hours regulations, according to Peter Rogers of...
A MAJOR BOOST for National Bus Company's market analysis project came this week when news broke of its sale to Scottish Bus...
A BOURNEMOUTH coach tour firm is refunding up to £6 to several thousand customers despite the current fuel surcharges on air...
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:UMMINS has launched a .urbocharged version of its VHC-250 engine which, the ;ompany claims, will give a 10 rer cent...
A WARRANTY for a period up to one million Idlomet, on certain parts has been I nounced by Cummins coincide with the launch oft...
LOCAL AUTHORITIES will be able to make significant savings by extending the life of their refuse collection vehicles, according...
A NEW safe load indicator is to be introduced by Ekco Instruments of Southend which will indicate an overloaded vehicle. The...
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THIS WEEK sees the launch of a new one-ton delivery van range from Volkswagen to replace its long-serving Type 2 model. This is...
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THERE COULD well be an over-supply of road freight transport within the next year. Rising sales of new commercial vehicles,...
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Road transport occupies a vital place in e economy anc is a prime target for leg islafive tinkering. Graham Montgomerie report...
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If your reporter had looked at a road map before going ahead and saying that the Cromarty Firth bridge cuts out one of the main...
THERE WERE two news items in the March 16 edition of CM that I wish to comment on Page 22 contained an article on the 4 X4...
After reading the report (CM, April 27) "Buy British because it's best — Edwards", I must ask: Who does Michael Edwards think...
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at's what most of e European manufacturers are itching to do. Steve Gray reports from the Turin Show on how they are - Tying to...
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Among charges on which a former mayor of Tehran appeared before a secret revolutionary court was that he was responsible for an...
A man who spends more than half his working day in a car driving seat is three times more likely to suffer back trouble than...
Arnold Handley, who writes in Body, apparently regards historic-vehicle enthusiasts as fools to be parted from their money as...
The emblem of the reformed Dodge Drivers' Club is a charging bull trampling on the word "Dodge" printed in red. It must be the...
"All drivers must refuse to allow vehicles to be fitted with tachographs and any vehicle that comes ready fitted should not be...
Something of a record wai up by CMT Transport Serv of Glasgow, when Sans Ur found themselves sans tram for a consignment of...
With official inquiries into goods transport being laury at the rate of one a year, HE Russett, a vice-chairman o1 Road Haulage...
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Brian Chalmers-Hunt describes the experiences of the first customer for BAR's Customer Guarantee Scheme for an overseas move...
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Pr?,,,Psonee, The Engineering Editor talks to staff at Rubery Owen-Rockwell, who are attempting to cut the maintenance period...
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City bus technology on display PARTICIPATION by European psv builders in the exhibition next month which will run concurrently...
PART OF an order for 75 new Berliet-based tourist coaches for operation by a Greek Railways-associated road transport company...
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Unanimous verdict on Foster ' There may be pressure from the EEC to return to something like the old carriers' licensing...
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Ralph Allen in Belfast reviews the road transport scene in the province in lhe light of its sevenfold improved export...
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Inc baffle for higher weights in Britain has been going on for ten years. Steve Gray assesses the FTA "s latest broac side....
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Noel Milker has oeen monitoring the progress of the a London Transport Leylanc National single-decker. Now, after the bus has...