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"There is not enough commercial-motor trade to keep a single works occupied," commented a well-known member of the industry...
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By E. W. S. The "Roads. The " roads" of South Africa are indeed a peculiarity of the country. They have been " evolved," like...
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Demonstrations near Chatham with a Machine Weighing 22 Tons, and Capable of Taking 70 Passengers or 15 Tons of Goods. Just, as...
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There were several buyers of publicservice char-I banes and similar machines making enquiries at Olympia Pleasure-Car Show. One...
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A sub-committee of Barnes District Council is to consider a report from the Surveyor (Mr. G. Bruce James) on motor...
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The Latest All-British Enterprise. Mr.. A. W. Carnage has decided that there shall be a Carnage Motorcab Company, and the...
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This journal is about to issue its Seventh Export Special Number. An intereqcting letter, from Mr. H. Kerr Thomas to " The...
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understand th a t A Hyrnotic Foden's champion Sugestion. ship band has been engaged for t h e week, so we shall have a good...
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News contributions are ineffrri: payment will be made on pubhce Hen. Mr. A. W. Gamage expresses some . views iu regard to his...
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Their Bearing on the British War Department. The French trials of heavy motors. at the inception of which a three-page article...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sant to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...