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T HE rift between coach and bus operators and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents over. the conditions of the...
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T HE road transport industry has, in general, been fairly fortunate in its trade-union relationships. Certainly they compare...
Dollar Exports Most Vital pRESIDING at a conference organized by the Dollar Exports Council, the chairman of this body, Sir...
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Hears— The query "Is the great tyre bubble going to be burst? " That it takes a rubber-neck nowadays to know all about rubber...
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THE Western Licensing Authority revealed.. last week that he had I arranged for his enforcement section to call for records at...
THE two unions representing white. 1 collar workers employed by Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., have this week reported jointly...
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R ECOMMENDATIONS on measures Nto ensure the safe transport of dangerous goods by road are expected to be made next year by a...
QCHEMES for collective resale price 1, -- 7 maintenance should not be made illegal. This suggestion has been made to the...
Witness S PECIAL vehicles which' can be used only on the authority of United Carriers, Ltd., stand idle or are being used for...
form the largest single element in any price and are frequently the subject of collective restriction and price-fixing on the...
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" O NE cannot help feeling that the agreement to experiment with yet more restrictions [in Slough] will enable the Ministry of...
ro the ground of economy, two Welsh bus companies have exchanged a number of road-service licences. The Western Welsh Omnibus...
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cent. of the. vehicles Offered in list 13 have already 'been' sold, it was announced. on. ,Tuesday. Interim results showed that...
IT is important for us to bear in _I mind that it is_notrin the public interest for direct facilities to be provided for every...
have. been made (luring last week's discussions by the National Joint Industeial Council of the claim for higher pay for...
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A CTIONS for th e recovery of £111,715 paid by two Australian haulage companies in mileage charges led to petitions being made...
T HE. greater amount of long-distance transport being done by ancillary vehicles has been given as the reason for a general...
S EVEN local operators objected when Sansom Bros. (Sheffield), Ltd., Handsworth, applied to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority...
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THE idea of a national highway authority was attacked at the anniversary luncheon of the Institute of Transport in London last...
time I have ever come across an open threat to change the business," Mr. Rosser John told the South Wales Licensing Authority...
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IMPORTANT questions weie raised 1 before Kendal County Bench, last week, when Henry Walling, Strickland Tenement, Crosthwaite,...
THE extent of the locality in which I a farmer's C-licence vehicle can be used to carry other persons' loads was questioned...
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IN a written decision, the East Midland . 1. Licensing Authority last week refused permission to three operators to introduce...
F OUR Foden vehicles with concretemixing equipment have been put into service by the Penmaentnawr and Welsh Granite Co.. Ltd.,...
D EPRESENTATIVES of associations of oper ators, professional institutes and trade unions have been invited to a meeting at the...
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T 0 many Scottish bodybuilders, the exhibition at Kelvin Hall provides an unparalleled opportunity to display their products...
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H AVING read a paragraph in your issue dated November 4, concerning the possibility of oil-engine fti ries causing cancer, I...
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More Convictions for Licensing Offences: Condition of Small Retailers' Vehicles Still Poor B ECAUSE they now have to prove the...
A TYPE of load carrier popular on TA the Continent but almost unknown in this country is now being distributed in Britain by...
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Fair Wages Clause May be Applied to Contract Carriages : Government Consultations Promised BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT...
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with deep re g ret of the death of Mr. E. H. Edwardes, 0:B.E., J.P., chairman and managin g director of Lancashire United...
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p ROMINENT among the fashionable cliches of transport experts is the firm disclaimer of any interest in the prolonged brawl...
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( and Safety in Brith 7ehicles A S the only commercial vehicle show in Great Britain this year, the Scottish Motor...
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Bedford Haulier Organizing Another Joint Tender, this time for 34-vehicle Unit E NCOURAGED by the success of a joint tender he...
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rIBSTRUCTION by labour is the \ - 1 main cause of delays and congestion at London docks. This conclusion is reached by London...
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Q UITE often I. am asked what is the effect upon fuel consumption of running light: suppose a vehicle is running empty one way....
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131 ATENT No. 737,353 (S. A. Adolphe Saurer, Arbon, Switzerland), deals with braking a four-stroke engine by means of exhaust...