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A S a spectacle, and as a display of all that is best in the commercial vehicle world, it cannot be denied that the Fifth...
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"Good Show! Good Show I " Of the importance of body-colour. Of an April fools' boat race in 1922. That no one has heard the...
The new director had been elected laecause of his influence and on account of the fact that, as a e fieet - owner, he had...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by The...
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T HE second annual dinner of the Institute of Transport took place on October 10th, at the Hotel Cecil, London. The President,...
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Some Tips for Road Transport Tyros—Shows, Showmen and Shibboleths—The Choice of a Vehicle and Considerations which Affect...
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Excellent Examples of the Coachhuilders' Craft. Ideas in All-weather Coaches. A Brief Survey of All Exhibits. Jas. Bartle and...
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A New Device, Remarkable for its Simplicity and the Ease With Which the Records Upon It May be Read and Compared I N OUR last...
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A Brief Survey..ol the Principal Exhibits to be seen on the Stand of Accessory and Component Manufacturers. Harvey Frost and...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. Motor Coaching in Winter. Ideas that Suggest Themselves to...
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By E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E. (President of the Commercial Motor Users . Association and Vice-President of the Institute of...
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Features to Look for : Luxurious Passeno for Municipal and Industrial Tran Summer and Winter Coaches. Catering rements. ,Points...
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its doors on Friday last, or 24 more than last year. The increase occurs, however, mainly aniongst_the exhibitors of...
6 ton Platform Lorry. STAND No. 44. rrHE Atkinson wagon is fitted with :1 the latest type of Uniflow engine. This is a power...
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Pneumatic-tyred Coach. 25 cwt. Box Van. Pantechnicon. STAND No. 49. F IVE fine exhibits are to be found on the stand...
Luxurious Coach. Char-&-bancs. Tipping Wagon. Single-deck Bus. STAND No. 84. T HE three vehicles forming the Associated...
2 ton and 5 ton Tip Wagons. STAND • No. 36. T HE Autocar is an American production, and is shown on this stand by the British...
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Saloon Coach. Convertible Wagonette. The Ford "Xtendatottna." STAND No: 96. T HE Bak° chassis which is a combination of the...
12-15 cwt. Box Van. Taxicab, Three-quarter Landaulet Taxi. STAND No. 79. O NLY one type of chassis is made by William....
Light Delivery Van. Tip Wagon. Centre Gangway Coach. STAND No. 86. A N exhibit that,' will certainly attitet .111.. a...
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Char-a-bancs. Heavy Duty Lorry. STAND No. 59. 0 NE of the exhibits which is attracting the most attention on the I3erliet...
Saloon Omnibus. 4 ton Lorry. STAND No. 90. T HE exhibit of a concern which uses itself many of the vehicles itsmanufactures...
Commercial Three-wheeler. STAND No. 99. T HISg little machine is of French origin, being, as it is, made by Caffort Freres,...
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Side Entrance Bus. 7 ton Overtype Chassis. 4 ton Platform Van. STAND No. 34. T HE new 7 ton chassis certainly deserves to be...
Light Delivery Vans. Also Selden General Purpose Van. STAND No. 18. St reet, London, W.1. G ASTON, LTD., are exhibiting a...
One ton G.M.C. Chassis. Also Chevrolet Light Van and Oldsmobile Chassis. STAND No. 21. p ENERAL MOTORS, LTD., are ‘‘..1...
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A New Steam Wagon Chassis. STAND No. 32. T HE two chassis on this stand provide much food for thought for all who are...
A New Undertype Steam . Wagon, , A New 5 . ton Electric Wagon. STAND No. 20. T HIS most interesting stand, occupied by two...
Light Delivery Vans. Traveller's Sample Van. STAND No. 30. T HE exhibit on this stand provides an interesting example of the...
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• STAND No. 113. O NE of the finest looking small coaches in the Show is the 14 seater Talbot. This is most luxuriously...
New 5 ton Chassis. 50-seater Coach. STAND No. 78. T HE Commer Car exhibit consists of four vehicles—a t char-a-bancs,...
Pneumatic-tyred Coaches. Tip ping Wagons. STAND No. 60. F IVE Daimler chassis, of which four are fitted with bodies, and...
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Brewer's Platform Lorry. Pnetimatieetyred Coach. STAND No. 51. V BRICLES of De Dion make long ago won a splendid reputation...
Single...deck Bus. 30-seater Coach. Small Fire-engine. STAND No. 50. QPECIAL interest attaches to the kJ' range of models...
Commercial Chassis. Delivery Vass. STAND No. 4. T HE Dodge exhibit is staged in the most effective manner, he method of...
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Box Vans, Fire Tender. Coach, Hotel Bus. STAND No. 48. . A MOST representative display of vehicles is to be found on the...
Rubber-tyred Steam Wagons. , Steam Tractor. STAND No. 45. T HE outstanding feature of the Foden stand is undoubtedly the New...
Four-wheel Drive Tractors. Power-operated Tipping Trailer. STAND No. 92. T F.W.D., or four-wheel drive, 1 chassis is being...
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SO cwt. Open Lorry. Chara-bancs. Also 10 cwt. Overland Delivery Van. STAND No. 91. rr BE chief exhibit on this stand is 1...
Steam Wagon. Steam Tractor. ,Electric Vehicle. Sleeping Van. STAND No. 75. 7 ERY little alteration has taken place V for some...
Business Model. STAND No. 7. NEWCOMER to the Show is the G.N. 8.7 h.p. business model, atle by Ga.N. Motors, Ltd. of East...
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Lorry-coach. 28-seater Coach. Coach de Luxe. 2-2k ton Electric Vehicle. STAND No. 85. O t■T this stand are exhibited - six'...
• 5-way Tipper with Latymer Gear. 2 ton Tipper with Constable Gear. 5i Um Brewer's Wagon. STAND No. 66. T HE centre of...
Stand No. ho. S HOWN on this stand is the Wallace (Glasgow) agrimotor, .a vehicle with many original features; the chief of...
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V.-seater Omnibus. Six-cylinder Engines. STAND No. 46. TRE most striking exhibit on the Halley stand is the special overtype...
2± ton Covered Lorry. Platform Lorry for Pantechnicon. STAND No. 57. T HE Hallford exhibits consist of four vehicles and a...
1 ton Speed Trucks. 2 ton Delivery Vans. STAND No. 81. T HERE are four exhibits on this stand, two of them being on the 1...
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Long Platform Lorry. Special Hood. Three-way Tipper. Sweeper and Collector. STAND No. 61. T HE three great novelties on this...
SinaH Fire Pump. Single-deck Bus. Pneumatic-tyred Coach. Overtype Tipper. STAND No. 26. A MONGST the imposing array of...
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Saloon Bus. Road Sweeping Machine. STAND No. 72. T HREE exhibitsare staged on the Laftly stand. The fourth, which is the...
5 ton Steam Wagon. STAND No. 42. T HE Mann wagon is distinctive on account of the arrangement of side-firing for the boiler....
Single-deck Bus. 6 ton Lorry. A 19 ft. 6 in. Loading Platform. IS TA ND No. 56. T HE-new 50 h.p. Maudslay engine is described...
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25-seater Char-a-banes. STAND No, 97. I TALIA.N designers have always been noted for the amount of artistic talent they put...
4 ten Chassis. STAND No. 22. T HE McCurd Lorry Manufacturing . Co., Ltd., are exhibiting one 4 ton AcCurd chassis, together...
The Derby Electric Wagon. STAND No. 54. r HE Newton chassis is of unusual de sign, embodying two motors, one e each rear...
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2 ton Tipping Dust Wagon. 4 ton Platform Lorry. 15 cwt. Runabout Crane. 5 ton Steam Wagon. STAND . No. 74. T HE Orwell...
31 ton Three-compartment Tipper. 5 ton Chassis. STAND No. 23. T WO vehicles only are shown on this stand, so that the number...
30 cwt. Chassis. 3 ton Chassis. STAND No. 29. w E have on this stand a very good example of Continental chassis, designed...
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Box Van. STAND No. 77. T " products of the famous Renault works are always of exceptional interest, and the exhibits 'staged...
Single-deck Bus. Motor Coach. Side-tipping Lorry. 2 ton Chassis. STAND No. 14. F IVE vehicles are shown on this stand by...
5 ton Van. 4 ton Lorry. Three-way Tipper. 2 ton Chassis. STAND No..89. T HE Saurer chassis are certainly amongst the...
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Six-wheeled: Lorry Industrial Towmotor. STAND No. 76. T H E Saarnmell always arouses a great deal of interest whereVer it _is...
-25 cwt. nd 50-40 cwt. Lorries. Combined Coach and Lorry. STAND No. 53« T i - TE Seabrook stand occupies a fine position...
6 ton Flat Platform Stearn Wagons, Tipping Wagons. STAND No. 73. ,rovement Which takes place must be in regard to...
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30 cwt. Chassis. STAND No. 109. T HE new model of the ShefflexSimplex commercial chassis is designed,for 30 cwt. ,loads, or,...
30 cwt. Market Gardener's Wagon. 50 cwt. Tipper. 25-seater Coach. STAND No. 25. F OUR Star'vehicles are exhibited on this...
15 cwt. Chassis. 50 cwt. Chassis. STAND No. 95. fr WO chassis are shown on this stand, I the Model' 9 and the Model 11 types....
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Single-deck Bus. Insulated Meat Van. 5.-5 ton Chassis. STAND No. 47. nI IE. Straker-Squire. A-type chassis, which is made to...
Steam Tractor. 5 ton Steam Tipping Wagon. STAND No. 65. 'SHE Little Giant steam tractor is • made as standard in two forms, e...
2 ton Hydraulie Three.way Tipper. 2 ton Platform Lorry. 2 ton Side-tipper. STAND No. 17. IFIREE Traffic trucks are exhibited...
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Cesspool Emptier and Watering Cart. 2 ton Brewer's Lorry. Saloon Bus. STAND No. 58. T HE fine range of models on this stand...
Double-deck Bus. Touring Coach. 2 ton Petrol-electric Chassis. 4 ton Petrol-electric Chassis. STAND No. 52. T IIE outstanding...
Motor Coach. Country Carrier's Wagonette. Taxicab 2 ton Lorry. 30 cwt. Chassis. STAND No. 82. TT is rather a -pity that Unic...
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The " Verdun " Chassis, 15.9 h.p. Cab. STAND No. 28. 1 .1 13E 30 cwt. Verdun chassis on this L stand is a nice example of...
Coach. Box Van. Three-way Tipper. 22-seater Bus. STAND' No. 5$. ' WO of the four vehicles shown on . the Vulcan stand are for...
Pullman, 18-seater Coach. STAND No. 62. tHE most interesting vehicle en this stand is the Wallace-Pullman 18ter coach, which...
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2 Ton Waytip Lorry. 2 Ton Chassis. 24 Ton Chassis. STAND . No. 64. *Example exhibited at Olympia. W. and C. du eras, Ltd.,...
Federal Single-deck Bus. Clydesdale 45 cwt. Tipper. 50 cwt. Whiting Chassis, STAND No. 24. TNTERESTINGr variety characterizes...
4 Ton Tipping Wagon. STAND No. 10. LIROM the user's point of view, probably the most outstanding feature of this wagon is the...
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F. Aitken. stand No. .98 A TRAILER which will carry 25 tons n. is something of a novelty, but the Feigelson trailer shown by...
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T HE centre of interest on the Maudslay stand is the new 50 h.p. engine,.which is shown fitted in a 6-7 ton lorry chassis with...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing F OLLOWING upon the...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). O N the latest type of Ford fan (only just adopted), there is no grease...
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"The Inspector" Takes the View that, Whereas the Best Lorries are Satisfactorily Silent, the Noise of all Motor-bicycles and...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle,. to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page from...
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for Drivers, Mec anics and Foremen. • A Page A Broken Radius Rod. The sender of the following communication has been awarded...
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A Resum6 of Recently Published Patents. T O arrange a tractor so that the two rear wheels are not strictly in line with one...