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W E are glad to see that the motoring correspondent of the Daily Express has taken up the cause of the lorry driver, and we...
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RI ECENTLY, in the Elektrotechnische Zeitscrift, Herr F. Hubrig stated that, for all local mail and parcels-post collection and...
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Of thrills at the White City, That 21-tonners will soon be maximum-load fourwheelers. Of successes with a linerless...
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WHAT THE ADVISORY COUNCIL IS DOING. It is understood that, last week, the Transport Advisory Council—that body which works in...
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An important meeting of the Commercial Motor Users Association was held in Manchester last week, as the result of which it was...
rIISSATISFACTION in Yorkshire I.J-with the divisions in the ranks of road-transport operators found expression at a meeting of...
" IF you think it is a fraudulent transaction, you should really prove it," said Sir William Hart, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing...
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That A and B licences should not be granted to the same operator, was the opinion expressed recently by Sir IIenry Piggott,...
A LARGE gathering of road-trans port operators in Hull, on Tuesday night, decided to support the formation of a Hull branch of...
Worthing Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of two refuse collectors. B urton-on-Trent Corporation has authorized...
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W E give below brief outlines of a number of new machines that is to be included in manufacturers 1936 programmes and of which...
EN the Billingham coal-hydro genation plant of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., is in full operation it will provide almost...
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Special Features in a Fleet of Chassis Recently Built by the Sunbeam Company for Operation in Rangoon AuCH interest attaches'...
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A 30-cwt. Quickly Separable Tractor-trailer Outfit With a New Road-wheel Layout ,Q0ME weeks ago we fore6-1 shadowed the...
A Specially Equipped Carrimore Trailer Drawn by a Gardnerengined E.R.F. Tractor Chassis C O-OPERATION between E. R, Foden and...
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Full Compensation Constant-leverage Operation, Simplified Adjustment Mechanism and Automatic Differential Device which...
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A New Fordson 3-tormer with Normal Control, Interesting 2-ton Mechanical Horse Outfit and a, Widely Varied Display of Vehicles...
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Advanced Frame Design, Novel Hydraulic Lifting Gear and a Special Braking System are Features of the New Hands Semi-trailer...
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the four models in the range of goods vehicles to be produced for 1036 by E. R. Foden and Son (E.R.F., Ltd.), Sun Works,...
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NEW MAKE AND DESIGN A STRIKING breakaway from conventional practice is represented by the imposing Straussler 15tonner,...
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Powered by the Wellknown Ford 30 h.p. Eightcylindered Engine, this New Normal control Model Fills an Important Gap in the...
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A Precis of the Inaugural Address of the New President of the Institute of Transport, Sir Cyril Hurcomb, K.B.E., C.B., Which...
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NEW CONTINENTAL SERVICES FOR UNSUBSIDIZED COMPANY. -THERE are more signs of unsubsi dized British air services extending to...
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and QUERIES THE EXPANSION OF HAULIERS' FLEETS. [4654] In my letter on the Enston case published in your issue dated October...
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CIF all the safety devices available for the vehicle of tu-day, probably none has received less discussion than the flame trap....
"Silent" Gearboxes C LAMING to be "the world's largest gear maker," David Brown and Sons (Hudd.) Ltd., Huddersfield, is...
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Passenger Transport CONFUSION OVER PERIOD BOOKINGS MANY Lancashire coach operators 1V/have become confused, owing to the...
A PROVISIONAL Metropolitan Area sectional board was set up at the first meeting of passenger-vehicle operators called by...
(I N Tuesday, W. C. Stanclerwick, V./Ltd., Blackpool, applied to the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner for permission to...
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pricecutting in connection with privatehire work are to be made by the coach owners' section of the Motor Omnibus Proprietors...
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IT is understood that the applications recently made by members of the Southport Motor Coach Owners Association for permission...
T HE War Department trials, held in North Wales last week (and briefly reported in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor),...
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A 40-ton Eight-wheeled Bogie for Heavy Haulage and a Tractor-tanker for the Bulk Transport of Beer A CCOKPANYING illustrations...
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The Danger of Thinking of Haulage Rates in Terms of Mileage or Time, Without Giving Proper Regard to the Conditions of the Job...
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The B. and E. Gigantip Appa ra tus which Raises the Body Before Lifting the Front End to Discharge the, Load A N elevating and...
Special Consideration for Commercial Motors Recommended by Departmental Committee I F-the recommendations contained in the...