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T HERE is ample evidence that the railways are quietly moving in the direction of the application of the powers recently...
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rpHE tramcar will, we fear, be some years in its displacement, because of the enormous difficulty of reconciling the numerous...
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Of tramway rails seeing the red light. Of orders pouring in and lorries pouring out. "Why not call the sleeper-coach the...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Introduction of a Four-speed Gearbox, the Addition of Front-wheel Brakes, a Bumper Bar, and Other Refinements. 1 -...
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A Go-ahead French Coachbuilding Firm which is Producing Some of the Most Attractive Vans Now to be Seen in Paris. XTO one who...
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Particulars of an Interesting Combination Vehicle on a Dennis 21-ton Chassis. T HERE have been many curious changes in means...
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T "pessimists will not be able to say "I told you so" about the Albatross sleeper service between Liverpool and London—it has...
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Eighty-four Local Authorities Represented at the Manchester Conference of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association. O...
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RaAnsoun Corporation Health Come mittee recommends the purchase of a Morris motor ambulance at a cost of £390. We learn that...
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A Question of Pressing Moment and Concern to National Health. TranspoI hich May be Said to be of Serious ribution to the Volume...
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Among Recently Patented Inventions There are Some, Here Referred to, of Which we Ought to Hear More. T T is the practice of...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 598.—Rear Axle...
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A Number of Well-designed Self-propelled and Trailer Pumps Produced by Gwynne Pumps, Ltd. TN the case of all large cities and...
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L IKE many other classes of transport, the conveyance by road of heavy stone slabs----for monumental and high-class...
A SURVEY of the sales of farm t. tractors in the prairie provinces of Western Canada, as made by a Winnipeg farm journal,...
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More Figures and Some Tables of Operating Costs for the Benefit of Overseas Users. I N my previous article I dealt at some...
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lirANY industrial motor vehicles JILequipped with gas-producer plants have now secured a permanent position amongst the users...
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Discussing a Legal Difficulty which may Arise. A Brief Review of Suitable Mirrors on the Market. F TTRTHER to our editorial...
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Advancing Their Interests by Giving Details of Their Performance to Potential Users. T T has often been stated that potential...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COACH WITH FORWARD CONTROL. A Type of...
The Recently Patented Knibson Form of Body Construction Uses Armoured-plywood Pillars and no Cross-bearers. /TIRE' body...
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Different Types of Bus to Meet Diverse Requirements are Used by the Municipality of the Italian Capital. T HE question of...
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Those Who said that the Single-deck Multi-wheeler Would not Succeed now have Cause for Reflection. T HE demand for Karrier...
The Suggested Elimination of Tramway Systems. The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2697) Sir,—Mr. Shrapnell-Smith's scheme...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. Some Useful Tail-light Tips. T HAT the time is...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. W E are glad te see that attention is being paid to the important...
TO ensure a truly axial thrust on the stems of valves and thereby prevent binding is the main object of patent No. 295,212,...