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by Ian Wylie and Miles Brignall • The United Road Transport Union is to ballot Ford Truckfleet drivers for strike action over...
• Operators are getting better but the bad are getting worse, according to the results of the latest Operation Mermaid check on...
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by Rob WIHock • The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution today (Thursday) publishes a review of the impact of transport...
• Rotherham haulier Transeurope Distribution ceased tadMg on :Monday and a liquidator is calling a creditors' meeting with a...
he very public spat between the Transport and General Workers Union and the United Road Transport Union will do nothing to...
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by Karen Miles • The owner of the UK's largest trailer rental company is preparing a system which it says will allow freight...
• The future of crossChannel services for international hauliers continues to hang in the balance with just days to go before...
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by David Craik • A French motion at the annual conference of Transfrigoroute International to extend ATP regulations to cover...
• Iveco has revamped its topselling Cargo range with a number of interior, exterior and driveline updates. The latest 1998...
• Eurotunnel has admitted that it has still not solved the problem that caused the emergency evacuation of Le Freight trains on...
• Memories of the violent public protests at Shoreham and Brightlingsea are causing Scarborough councillors to reconsider the...
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by Charles Young • Hauliers in South Wales will be severely hit by British Steel's decision to transfer 25,000 truck loads of...
by Karen Miles • Police investigating the Norfolk murder of 12-year-old Thomas Marshall are appealing to 1ony drivers for their...
• The Freight Transport Association is campaigning to encourage road users to give lorries more room, following calls to its...
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by Mike Jewell • P&O subsidiary Pandoro has been ordered to pay £21,260 in fines and costs following an incident in which a...
• A London-based company and its directors have been banned from holding an 0licence for three years after showing a "complete...
• Safety fears grew last week after Trading Standards Officers in Manchester seized a large quantity of suspect HGV brake hose...
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by Rob Willock • Ultra-low-sulphur (ULS) diesels do not represent a costeffective way of reducing emissions, according to Shell...
• Removals firm Busines,Moves wants to buy independent removers to expand its network into Glasgow and Ireland. The planned...
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R enault's Master replacement is an all-new vehicle with no components carried over from the previous model. It will also...
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by Brian Weatherley • The Fuel Duel, which started as a totally cynical attempt to put bums on seats—ERF's own words, not...
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by Brian Weatherley • Irish trailer maker Dennison is hoping to win a bigger share of the UK hulk powder market with tankers...
• The IRTE and SMMT have abandoned plans to stage a joint Commercial Vehicle Show in 1998. Despite months of negotiation the...
Durham, has an unusual ERF EC11 340hp (253kW) 6x2 drawbar unit in its fleet. It's the first ERE' car carrier to have a special...
• Renault VI is to cease fitting its own gearboxes in favour of ZF units, after a joint-venture deal which will hand over...
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• A Carmarthen haulier was cleared of using a vehicle after Crewe magistrates accepted that haulier Denzil Evans' driver, who...
two weeks at a St Helens disciplinary inquiry. Norman Hughes, who holds a licence for four vehicles and four trailers, had...
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• A Coventry operator who complained that West Midland Traffic Commissioner John Mervyn Pugh was putting him out of business by...
• A number of hauliers and drivers involved in the carriage of fish from Aberdeen to Continental markets on behalf of Blue...
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T he Institute of Municipal Transport's annual gathering provided everything its members could desire: a central venue north of...
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• Grayson Quality Products believes it has solved an inherent radiator fitting and overheating problem on the rearengined...
• Lead balance weight manufacturer Hofmann Balancing Techniques warns of its concerns about the use of new internal balancing...
• Brigade Electronics has launched a range of wide-angle eyeball mirrors intended to eliminate blind spots. These latest convex...
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I n his letter commenting on the "Well Driven"? scheme Ian N Bird asks: "does anyone phone to say how courteous the driver...
Many CM readers no doubt did the same, despite the high admission charge (£7.50 each). It is possibly the greatest show on...
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proud man indeed. Tim Haynes shows off his trophy after being named 1997 Lex Transfleet Driver of the Year. The award, and...
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W ouldn't it be nice to be able to look into the future? To bet on next year's World Cup, buy into the next Microsoft—or just...
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C hanges to vehicles these days originate as much from emissions regulations as they do front market forces and competition....
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tractive unit more versatile, reckons Mike Pinder, managing director of Eurohitch (UK). "Sliders currently account for 50% of...
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p hil Creed needs 15 trucks to run Creed Wholesale Catering Supplies, in Cheltenham. Without overnight servicing, he says, it...
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B ritain's fuel retailers are an endangered species. Ferocious price competition between the oil majors and the hypermarkets...
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A re you connected to the Internet and interested in the shape of things to come in the parcels industry? Take time to visit...