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W ITH regard to the abolition of the Ministry of Transport, it is much to be regretted that this department will be swallowed...
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TN the census of mechanically propelled road vehicles issued by the Minister of Transport for the period ended September,...
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"Jixi?" "Nix." See? Of dust and the cuckoo. Of those who wish the one would choke the other. Coach proprietors saying—" And...
"It's 'ard luck, it is," said the driver. "'Ere've I been longing to see some dust after all the bloontin' rain, and now iCas...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all digeultits of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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W ITH the great increase in the employment of all classes of motor vehicle during the past few years, the old system of...
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The Budget Proposals. The Road Fund Again Suffers. Import Duty on Tyres. Heavy Vehicles and Railway Bridges. By Our Special...
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The works committee of the Huh Corporation has sold an old steam wagon for 125_ Essex County Council has voted £2,000 for the...
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The Ascertained and Estimated Figures Show that there are 464,678 Vehicles in Great Britain Engaged in Carrying Goods and...
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Special Vehicles Used for a Branch of the Activities of the Berlin General Omnibus Co. T N addition to running an...
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I T would seem that the project for a regular motorcoach service across the Sahara is at last likely to be realized. Since the...
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T HERE are certain tools in everyday us el by motor mechanics and engineers which can be put to several uses, but there can be...
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Contributed by Edward S. Shrcgpnell-Smith, C.B.E., M.Inst.T. IT ME amazing cult of the light car, for which growth 1...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. • NEW BUS REGULATIONS IN NEW ZEALAND. Some Requirements Which...
Hearing of the Case in Which the United Automobile Services, Ltd., and the Darlington Corporation are Involved. T HE...
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How Poster Cards May be Utilized to Bring Before the Public the Various Advantages of Motorbus Travel, p OSTER cards have...
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Growing Markets for British Commercial Motors That Should be Investigated Now. By a Special Correspondent. T HE market for...
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A Survey of the Modern Means for Dealing with Outbreaks of Fire in Garages and Other Buildings and on Vehicles. A LTEfOUGH the...
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Four-wheel Braking, Servo Motors and the Various Methods of Application in Vogue. T HE most interesting development in...
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Some of the Avoidable Minor Difficulties in the Successful Technical Operation of Commercial Motor Vehicles. A PIN-PRICK is...
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Loading Delays and Their Effect Upon Operating Costs. Methods of Saving Time and Avoiding Delays at Terminals. O BVIOUSLY a...
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T USUALLY sleep very well, but there are times when 1 I awake in the early hours of the morning. On these occasions, it being...
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Lubricating A.D.C. Gudgeon-pin Bushes. Preventing End-play in a Thornycroft Camshaft. Attending to Boiler Gauge Glasses. A...
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Useful Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Recutting Damaged Threads on an Axle Sleeve. ONSIDERABLE trouble...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. R HEINISCHE METALLIVAAREN UND MASCHINENFABRIK, of Dusseldorf-Derendorf,...