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I N ANOTHER page we deal, more fully than has hithetto been possible, with what may be described as the principles underlying...
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That the :K-type is now O.K. Of Sir Joynson and Sir Julian A great many generalities this week. That Mr. Shave was else happy...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all -difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Case for the New Guarantee of Satisfactory Service. I N A RECENT 'ISSUE of The Commercial Motor, we dealt with the matter...
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By "The Inspector."' S O THE FIRST of the new " Generals" is on the road—not in service, but to show its paces and other...
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The Paterson Carburetter which Interchanges Temperature with Velocity of Mixture in Order to Secure Flexibility and Economy....
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What the Military Authorities of New Zealand have been Told About the British Motor Transport. W E HAVE recently received from...
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Ex-Governor's Criticism of a Scheme to Provide the island with a New Transport System. R ECENTLY The Times published a message...
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A Lucid Explanation of the Law of Negligence as it Affects the Use and. Employment of Commercial Motor Vehicles. PART TIlE...
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Experiences Gained in the Endeavour to Safeguard Petrol Stores From Fire. T HE WORLD-WIDE use of petrol and allied fuels has...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). T HE RE-LINING of the bands is a biggish job, and takes time. Two to...
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Lamps Alight. On Saturday, August 23rd, light your lamps at 9.7 in London, 9.30 in Edinburgh, 9.21 in Newcastle, 9.24 in...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. In the brief description of the Garner tractor which appeared in the...