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I N these days of full employment, many operators are forced to engage drivers whom they would not have considered in the past....
T HE continued expansion of Britain's C-licence fleet reflects a steady rise in the standard of living. Apart from the...
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Lt.-Col. Williai [enry Slack F OR some 28 years William Henry Slack has had a double-barrelled interest in transport. Right...
uOVERING over Woburn Place, one of central London's faded but still genteel (in a threadbare way) quarters, I observed comings...
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T HE Minister of Transport is making a new onslaught on large and projecting loads. In May he issued proposals to place...
A A VICIOUS hoax has been practised on Sutton's Crossley Coaches, 54 Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea. At 11.15 a.m. on August 5,...
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"No Right to Extra Profit" THE reassignment of the goodwill and vehicles of a bankrupt haulage A business at a profit after it...
A NOTTINGHAM haulier had a deficiency of £1,538 when his business closed after only 10 months. it was stated at a meeting of...
DROSECUTING a lorry driver, at Port Madoc, North Wales, who had been charged with obstructing a police constable in the course...
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COIDONALD CAMERON OF LOCHIEL has been reappointed a part-time member of the British Transport 'Commission. until August 31,...
A WARDS made by the British Transport Commission in respect of papers submitted to the Institute of Transport this year include...
A STATEMENT by Mr. R. G. S. 1-1 . Hoare, chief information officer of the Ministry of Transport, should allay the fears of...
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THE tendency by traders who, by last' minute demands, forced manufacturers to use road transport for goods which were suitable...
MORTH-WESTERN operators differed II at Manchester on Monday, over whether it was better, from a road safety point of view, to...
and delivery work could not be amended to cover normal carriage of goods without republishing, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, North...
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A N application to add one vehicle to an A licence, mainly for the carriage of livestock, was granted by Mr. G. W. Duncan,...
A LLEGATIONS by British Railways that his application was an attempt at back-door entry were denied by Mr. S. B. Caulfield, a...
n ECAUSE work was not covered by the terms of the normal user of part of his fleet, a Blackburn hattlier had to refuse to carry...
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T HE attitude of hauliers towards their declaration of normal uscr was strongly criticized by Mr. G. H. P. Beames, before Mr....
THE British Transport Commission did not pursue objections to applications by J. Bradley (Accrington), Ltd., Park Garage,...
A LTHOUGH regulations covering rates to be charged for haulage by road, rail or waterway in the Common Market Area were issued...
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A N offer from a Westmorland haulier to buy or rent the 40-mile stretch of line between Penrith and Barnard Castle, which...
T ' proposal by Doncaster Corporation to increase bus fares without prior consultation with a neighbouring local authority,...
A CLASH between Birkenhead Trans port Department and Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., over the right to operate stage services...
T HE first steps towards gaining public support for a Guilleband-type report on conditions in the bus industry were taken by...
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OUR papers on air pollution by road vehicles are to be presented on ktober 5, during a conference to be 'cid at Harrogate by...
T HE Goggomobil 5-cwt. van and 6-cwt. pick-up range, produced by Hans Glas, G.m.b.H., Dingolfing, Western Germany, has been...
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THREE more transport companies in L the Home Counties are in the process of being taken over by the rapidly expanding...
lerNOWN as the Routeman, a new 1. Scammell rigid eight-wheeled chassis is available in two wheelbase lengths and with a choice...
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D EVELOPMENT of a range of goodscarrying air-cushion craft, to be known as Hovertrucks, is being undertaken by Folland...
A NEW horizontal oil engine has been produced by Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd. It is an outcome of the good reception...
1 the David Brown DB 657 six-speed gearbox, the introduction of which was announced in The Commercial Motor dated February 19....
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18 tons Gross Says John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HE growing popularity of 12ton-payload articulated outfits has lead several...
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D ESIGNED for maximum-load sixand eight-wheeled vehicles, arid for towing tractors-operating at up to 100,000 lb. gross train...
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T WO 13-ton-gross four-wheelers and a light van will be shown by the newly established commercialvehicle sales department of...
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Government Must Back Trolleybuses pp EFERRING to the letter, "Tell Us the Truth," in your " issue of July 22, I suggest the...
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by ROAD TRANSPORT By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. T O saythat a fleet is continually engaged on emergency work poses a...
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More Adhesive Engine Oils R ESEARCH by the Vigzol Oil Co., 1 1, Ltd., Greenwich, London, S.E.10, into agents which will...
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Extra £.50,000 a Year Added to Wage Costs Will Not Affect Service Frequencies or Fares Because Methodical Man agement is...
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Television, Having at First Cut Bus Travel, Now Seems to be Stimulating it by Driving People into the Cinemas. Will This Trend...
THREE men who traded as Messrs. 1 Bermondsey Road Service, Snead Street, New Cross, London, S.E.14, were each fined a total of...
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Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Act Leaves Much to be Done by Subsequent Regulations By Our Legal Adviser T HE new Road...
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SIMULTANEOUSLY with the publication of the pamphlet by Mr. Geoffrey Wilson, M.P., to which 1 referred last week, the Road and...
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Opportunities to Quote for the Transport of Large Tonnages Should Not be Missed by the Smaller Operator Although Careful...
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A CCORDING to patent No. 838,326, I — I pre-detonation in an engine cylinder can be reduced by injecting a small quantity of...