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19th August 1977
19th August 1977
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Page 1, 19th August 1977

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Trunk calls...

AN FTA survey of a 37 1 /2-mile stretch of the A21 trunk road from Hastings to the Greater London boundary reveals ludicrously...

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E nergy Dept

backs 38-tons -WAVY vehicles with a maxinum weight of 38-tons and wavier taxation for small lommercial vehicles with perol...

Boy charged with bus depot arson

A 16-year-old boy has been in court charged with arson after a E100,000 fire at the Swinton depot of Lancashire United...

Page 6

No 60mph doubles

by the Technical Editor 11 After our successful trials with Reed Transport, Crane Fruehauf and Volvo, first with a 40mph limit,...

NBRS Rescue

The Table on page 36 of last week's issue, captioned "Figure 2", should have referred to the cost of service available from the...

Fire follows depot demo

A parked vehicle was found burning a few hours after a demonstration against the presence of a haulage depot in a residential...

Overt in

icluded When an employer pays guaranteed week, eve though it includes paymen calculated on an overtim basis, it must be...


REMOVERS are offering corrupt inducements to servicemen and civil servants to attract business, British Association of Removers...

Page 7

GRUNWICK drivers, sacked Raring the dispute at the North London photographic processing company, lost their appeal to be reinstated.

The seven men — who claimed they had been sacked after joining the Transport and General Workers' Union at the height of the...

Sparse roadside services slammed

CONDITIONS on a major road from London to the South Coast are attacked in a new FTA report published this week. And • the'...

Drivers in detention

BRITISH lorry drivers are thought to be involved in a multi-million pound cigarette smuggling racket uncovered by French...

Page 23

WEEKEND courses, designed to help in managing a transport business, have been announced by the RHA Young Executive Section.

The courses will be held at Cambridge, Nottingham and Essex universities starting next month and lasting until April 1978....

Arnin still gets I3edfords

BRITISH heavy vehicles are still being supplied to Field Marshal Amin's regime in Uganda it was revealed this week. And...


SALES of commercial vehicles in Britain rose by 9.5 per cent, last month, compared with July last year and importers managed to...

No hgv licences needed TWO further vehicle classifications will not

require hgv licences from the end of this month, if new regulations, now before Parliament, are adopted. These are articulated...

Page 24


Now, it's Sir Myles IR F,CTC)R of Walter Alexariet - , coachbuilders, Myles umphreys was knighted by C Queen during her visit...


ups council WEST Midland LA A. Crabtree has criticised Nur ton Borough Council opposing the renewal of a licence, then failing...

LOTHIAN Regional Counc policy of maximum investmt on public transport

and mi mum investment in new ro . has been bitterly attacked the FTA, particularly as kpplies to transport develt ment in...

Page 25

New courses in transport, at the extra mural studies department of London University, are included in a syllabus just published.

The courses cover the full range of transport management including planning, economics, and the effects of politics and...

SA prices increased

Seddon Atkinson vehicle prices have risen by 5.9 per cent after an earlier application for a 7.5 per cent increase was turned...

Enrol now

IF enough students enrol, an evening class will be started at Exeter College for the new Certificate of Professional Competence...

Rome direct

SUTCH & Searle Shipping Limited have signed an exclusive agency agreement with Salviati & Santori SRL, one of Italy's leading...

Camel extra

CAMEL Freight, the Middle East freight specialists, have introduced a regular container groupage service with departures every...

Wider range

THE range of regular UK/ Switzerland trailer groupage services operated by freight forwarders Thomas Meadows & Company Limited...


EXCLUSIVE UK distributorship for Airshield air drag reduction products, held by CT (London) Ltd, has been concluded. Service...

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Extra pay for sacked drivers

FIVE drivers formerly employed by Nationwide Transport Ltd, Cardiff, were awarded extra payment for unfair dismissal at an...

Leyland PhseOne

PHASE ONE of the Leylanc investment programme is no beginning to show results says Truck and Bus managini director Des...

Freightliners rolling

OPERATIONS are under way at Freightliners' new Coventry depot which is to be used to transport containers of cars and parts for...

Page 27

New weapon in war on fuel bills

RESEARCH by the National Engineering Laboratory at East Kilbride on ways to convert decelerating energy into accelerating...

A £10 MILLION scheme to improve bus route control, using

modern radio and computer techniques.,is London Transport. being considered by A pilot scheme costing about E250,000 is...

Daimler-Benz patent

DAIMLER-Benz has patented an anti-jack-knife coupling device for the centre coupling of rear-engined articulated buses — pusher...


WEST Midlands PTE has announced that bus stops on the A45 will be protected by a bus stop clearway order made by Birmingham...

First course

THE first two-week training courses on access to the profession of public service vehicle operation will be held at Motec 1,...

'Save a quid'

WILLOWBROOK International of Loughborough has organised an all-out attack on rising costs. A cost-cutting programme, QED (Quid...

Page 28

Corrosion worst in North

INDUSTRIAL areas in the North of England have the worst degree of motor vehicle corrosion. This is the main conclusion of a...

'Safer' rear bumper on way

A NEW TYPE of rear bumper — which can withstand a 35mph impact, without damage, cuts the cost of repairs to loading bays and...

Page 29

David helps to smooth roduction

HINGED side-door van bodies built on 12m (40ft) semi-trailer chassis are now being supplied to Kronospan Ltd, of North Wales,...

Air heaters

Andrews Industrial Equipment of Dudley Road, Wolverhampton, has introduced two air heaters which do not need floor space for...

Emergency screen

AN emergency windscreen is now available for the Volkswagen LT range. Marketed by Humphrey Thompson Enterprises Ltd, Raans...


A new driving mirror from Albert Jagger Ltd of Green Lane, Walsall, has the adjustment of the mirror and the clamping of the...

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motto of 6afiq ue••• I was deeply distressed by Mrs M. Parker's letter (Aug 5) in which she attacked not only Dr Hunt's review...

Beane Ike

It is now 6 am and as a "nine till five" managing director, I am sitting in my office almost shedding tears as I read the...

Quiche* bij

Red Slot... I was glad to see Rail Express Parcels' Services well praised in your article on Parcels Carriers (CM July 22)....

Page 36

AFTER many years' market leadership in the 28-ton-plus category, Volvo

has come up with the replacements for the long-serving F88 and F89 models. Designated F10 and F12, the new Volvos will make...

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owl food' guide THE regulation principally concerned with refrigerated transport in Europe is ATP — "Agreement on the...

Page 44

Reefers in big

Bill Brock watches the insulation experts at AS the frozen food market has grown rapidly over recent years so, too, has the...

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Barker barking

he right tree ONE haulage activity which appears to be suffering less than most from the trade recession is the reefer...

Page 59

Artic pusher 44 6?

buses on way IRTIC pusher buses will oon be in full-scale producon by Daimler-Benz. The large capacity bus will - icorporate...

Swiss role for olectric taxis

"WO Swiss tourist resorts, with a general ban on motor Follicles, have recently introduced battery-electric taxis to upplement...

Page 60

Don't scrap old spares

by Ron Douglas IN these days of ever diminishing returns for effort most haulage concerns, large and small, have to search out...

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Book reviews

"London — the heartless ty" — published by Thames levision, price £1, was ommissioned by Thames for s London Looks Forward...

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Problems of a complex

WE have to endure a constant flow of exhortation from the Government, official and semi-official bodies and lobbies of all...