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We briefly report, elsewhere in this issue, the hearing of an application on the part of W. and G. Du Cros, Ltd., for an...
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First-published Details of an Interesting Six-ton Machine which has been Specially Designed for Colonial Conditions by the...
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We reproduce below an interesting photograph which has been placed at our disposal by WhiteColeman Motors, Ltd., the British...
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By Our Own Correspondent in the City. With the idea of giving the user of electric commercial vehicles an exact figure for the...
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Army Transport Developments in Hungary. Our Berlin Correspondent and a Taxi Report. The Activities of the Buessing Factory....
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Topics. As we forecasted several weeks ago, the National Steam Car Co., Ltd., declared a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent....
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. Our annual awards of bonuses to driver and...
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R.s.P.c.A. motor caravanning. Manchester's Separate Shows. -By "The Extractor." R.s.P.c.A. motor caravanning. So far as I...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commer ial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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From Our Own Correspondent in Australia. A strong agitation for better roads has been going on in the State of New South...
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Dare They Sell Their Horses ? [2072j " WHOLESALE " write We are consider ing the question of a commercial motor. We should be...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. Interesting :and New. Supplies from :Factory and Showroom. You Can Get It At- (Lancashire).---In...
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We give TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Letter Printed, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any other communication...
Last year we devoted some little space to what we inlay describe as a review of the "D. and 31." pages for the preceding year....
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to award the 10s. special prize owing to an inability to include sufficient contributions this week. Under or Over-type...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom b7 the Sale Branch, Patent...