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M ANUFACTURERS and operators would be well advised to make use of Preston by-pass—classified as a motorway—as a training and...
• Boys of the Old Brigade A SUGGESTION has been made to The Commercial -Motor that many of the older members of the road...
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Of Sir Henry Spurrier applying the spur to young engineers. That some 40 per cent. of trade unionists disagree with any...
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By Our Parliamentary Correspondent D ESPITE a number of point-blank questions in the House of Commons last week, the...
INCREASES in salary varying from 1 2s. 6d. to ifis. a week have been granted by individual bus companies to all clerical,...
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THE question of normal users covering A-licence vehicles is an important one, and witnesses must prove need for • a change...
U NTIL he was prosecuted for carrying livestock outside the 25-mile radius of his B licence, Mr. G. E. Evans, a Llangollen...
A LTHOUGH Durham District Services, P .- I Ltd., would make a slight profit this year, an estimated loss of nearly £7,000 would...
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T HE suggestion that a Licensing Authority could not suspend or , revoke a licence because a vehicle had -been altered was...
xilE regret to announce the deaths of VT SIR JACKSON MILLAR, MR. GUY • Bowtsi, MR. H. B. FiELonsci and MR. R. D. FYFE. Sir...
MR, F. L, GIBSON has been appointed home sales manager of Wolf Electric • Tools, Ltd, He joined the eompany eight years ago....
A FTER years of pressure by operators, the Minister. of Transport proposes to increase from 30 m.p.h. to 40 m.p.h., outside...
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WHETHER considering applications YV for licences or backings, Traffic Commissioners may have regard to matters arising outside...
FNUE to the heavy haulage demands of motorway construction schemes and opencast mining, Derbyshire quarry owners have been...
DECAUSE she was unable to justify IJ the proposed normal user of a new A licence, Mrs. M. Sant, trading as M. Meakin, Winsford,...
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H AULIERS should not be punished for breaking the licensing regOlations if they do not realize that their actions are wrong....
WIDE conditions were attached to a B 'licence granted at Manchester, last week, to Contractors (Transport), Ltd., Stockport....
E campaign in Parliament against I smoke from oil engines was carried a stage further last week when Mr. R. S. Russell (Con.,...
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QUPPORTING a livestock haulier's application for additional carrying capacity, a Scottish farmer complained bitterly at Perth,...
F INES, excluding costs, totalling £1,314,656 were paid last year for offences concerning motor vehicles. Altogether, 433,972...
F I - NES totalling £260 were imposed at Ripley, Derby., last week, on a Manchester haulage concern who were accused of 104...
New S.P.D. Depot: S.P.D., Ltd., are planning to build a new depot at Quarry Road, Aberdeen. A Day Later : Because of the...
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A LTHOUGH they pr o duced not figures . , or witnesses, I. Gainers and Son were • s u c cessful when they applied at • Sh re...
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A N application which would benefit British Waterways faced opposition from British Railways at Sheffield last week. Neither...
Aid Pallet Loading F OLLOWING the .esta Wished practice of the comparik,ltbe new Notting ham distribution depot of officially,...
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T HE company who supplied buses to the People'S League for the Defence of Freedom during the London bus strike were accused at...
THE hump-backed Methley Bridge, 1 which takes the Leeds-Pontefract road over the River Calder in the West Riding, is to be...
trans. porter to be made in. theWestern Traffic Area was succeSsful, last week, Mr. H. Hooper-Organ, Blagdon, Somerset, was...
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B ECAUSE fuel accounted for only 71 per cent. of his total costs, compared with 57 per cent. for labour, the American...
rk A LAST MINUTE request for an adjournment of their application, made last week by Limemaster, Ltd., Church Stretton, was...
D ESPITE a plea by British Railways that insufficient evidence had been put forward, a B licence was last week granted to J....
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Railway By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. M ANY years a g o, idly turnin g over the pa g es of Bradshaw, 1 noticed ,a line on which...
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rl A PLATFORM truck with a capacity versions for use on the public roads, Towne Manufacturing Co., Wednesfield,...
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Demountable Bodies for Long-distance Vehicles Save Labour, Reduce Fleet and Permit One Driver, One Vehicle, Policy i ,6...
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B Y operating 20 Leyland Atlantean buses, Wallasey Corporation will cut their annual running costs by more than £5,000....
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Lost 1 \1111. R. GRESHAM COOKE had hoped that during the debate on railwayfinance in the House of Commons, last week, he...
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" 'F HE changes in design and increase in power obtained by pressure charging and the use of higher speeds make the modern...
E XCHANGE chassis frames for semitrailers are part of the services offered by Merriworth (Engineering), Ltd., London Road,...
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C HANGES in the way of thinking . aboutt.a .. problem take place from time to time for reasons it is not always easy to...
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Although It Is Essential to Know the Basic Elements of Costing, Profitable Charging Requires a Flexibility in Method and...
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A LTHOUGH it has been built as a stand-by -outfit to take the place. of static plant, a mobile steam generating -trailer...
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P ATENT No. ,801,751 shows an air suspension system. The design is said to be suitable for heavy vehicles such as trucks,...