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THERE WILL be no increase in EEC haulage permit quotas for 1976, This follows a veto by Germany at a meeting of the Common...
COMMERCIAL vehicle sales in Britain for the first 11 months of 1975 were well down compared with last year—and it is the...
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FRENCH TRANSPORT operators were warned by a senior DoE official last week that firms whose vehicles continually break British...
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Drivers fear for their jobs EMPLOYMENT SECRETARY Mr Michael Foot has , been "forced to think again" on his Bill to widen the...
AFTER MONTHS of teetering on the verge of the UK market Mack Truck Inc, the American heavy truck manufacturer, has appointed a...
THE PROPOSED International Owner-Drivers' Association will hold its first meeting at the Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street,...
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THE BRAKING SYSTEM of the Leyland Leopard was severely criticised last week by the West Cumberland Coroner. He said at Keswick...
A SPECIAL scheme of premium grants to selected firms was announced this week by the Road Transport Industry Training Board....
IN the feature "Town centre services need rates support" CM December 5, it was stated that the Nottingham free central area...
East England this week is as nothing compared with the foggy chaos of Common Market legislation into which our road transport...
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DESPITE 70 per cent higher fuel costs and higher road taxes the number of cars and commercial vehicles in use increased during...
THE value of the training point assessed in relation to grants to be made by the Road Transport Industry Training Board for the...
A WIGAN HAULIER, Mr Nell Blackie, head of NAB Transport, has been jailed in Iran for allegedly assaulting a member of a...
THE 1976 conference of the Institute of Traffic Administration is to be held at the Corn Hall, Ipswich, October 8-10. The...
from the beginning of next year in a bid to reduce recent heavy financial losses. Although the rail services will be withdrawn...
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VOLVO F86 eight-wheelers with 5,000gal petroleum spirit tanks and an F86-hauled drawbar outfit have been put into service by...
LABOUR MPs are in gloomy mood over the prospects for next year on pledges to reorganise transport and switch more freight from...
THE ANNUAL REPORT of the Chief Inspector of factories published last week shows that there were 256,930 reported accidents in...
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by Trevor Longcroft FOLLOWING their appointment as UK distributors for 'American built Mack trucks, Commercial Truck Services...
A NEW £500 award and a gold medal is to be presented annually by Wincanton Transport Ltd to the author of a paper which makes a...
E. Deane has been fitted with cab to base radio systems. Instead of instructing the drivers to phone in at midday the company...
THE Health and Safety Commission has issued a consultative document outlining a recommended framework for possible future...
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A LEYLAND National Bus shell converted into a mobile executive suite has just been ,put into service by National Travel (South...
THE BUS workers union are now more than ever taking the initiative to try to steer more Government money to the support of the...
SERVICE CUTS would inevitably result in some redundancies—that is what National Bus Company chief executive Mr Jim Skyrme told...
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PRIVATE MINIBUSES will be exempt from all provisions of EEC Regulation 543/69 if an application just lodged by Minister for...
THE virtual disappearance of the cheap package tour by air to the Continent had opened up a new market for mini-holidays, the...
LONDON TRANSPORT is likely to buy 51 Leyland National 10.3m buses to overcome its immediate shortage of vehicles, subject to...
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TWO well-known personalities who were described this week as having made a "significant contribution to the transport industry"...
"TYRES that cost 50 per cent less than conventional ones, last twice as long and have greater resistance to punctures." This is...
SEMI-DROPDECK Freight master vans featuring singlepiece grp panel construction have been introduced by the York Trailer...
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THE FITTING of anti-lock braking systems has become a statutory obligation in the United States for commercial vehicles fitted...
A DEVICE that not only locates faults with petrol engines, but also tells its operator how to correct them—that's the claim...
A BRAND new livestock container from Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd, of Corwen, North Wales, is based on the Bedford CF or Ford...
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Smithfield Show exhibits RESEMBLING a fascinating blend of the Mechanical Handling exhibition with the Public Works show the...
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INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNALS sit as a panel of three persons. The chairman is always a lawyer. There are former judges or court...
Have you noticed that a facsimile road surface has replaced the splines on the rollers of the brake-testers at some DoE test...
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Novel compensator AS PART of a German Government supported development programme for new technology in urban transport, a...
AT next month's Geneva Show Saurer-Berna, usually thought of as the leading domestic supplier of Swiss heavy vehicles, will...
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IN ONE of the traditional postprandial diversions of the British Christmas break piles of tour brochures will once again play a...
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PERSUASIVE demolition work by the Freight Transport Association on the EEC directive for entry into the road haulage industry...
by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEI), MIMI. AMIRTE SECTION 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work Act requires all employers to...
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By Graham Montgomerie WHEN FORD launched the Transcontinental earlier this year it stressed that this was a European...
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Getting off to a ood start IN THE FIRST article in this series on the electrical system we took a look at lighting circults...
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TO MAKE preventive maintenance work at .all, separate records must be kept for each vehicle — if they are not, we are back in...
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by Patrick Prekopp IT'S a 2,000-mile round-trip of hell! That's the verdict of one of the first haulage pioneers to cross the...
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Making the most of permitted vehicle weights without running into legal trouble means having a clear idea of what the law...
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which can be delayed three weeks in Customs clearance. So we would like to transfer this traffic to our own road vehicles....
the necessity for drivers of passenger vehicles with more than nine passenger seats who are not in possession of a psv or an...
regular vehicle would not start for an early morning departure, and he took what he thought was a spare vehicle which was in my...
Replacing your fleet—or just dreaming about it : whichever it is, CM's new special, Commercial Vehicles on the British Market,...
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THREE NEW models were on show last month among the 100 exhibits at the third Belgian bus and coach exhibition. This was part of...
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Even the best laid plans may have their disadvantages by John Darker, AMBIM AT a time of economic recession when most road...
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A problem often encountered when a fixed displacement hydraulic pump is driven by an internal combustion engine is that of...
A 12m (39ft 4in) long push-out trailer which is claimed to discharge 50cum (65cuyd) of tightly compacted waste in two minutes...
The latest pressure cleaner from Applied Chemicals is the Concorde 500. With a working pressure of 3,450kN/sqm (500psi), it 4s...
A set of five rotary files with diameters from 3-6mm (i-lin) is available from Abrafiie. The files can be used for polishing,...