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THIS country, under a Socialist Government, is 1 growing so accustomed to facing crises that it is becoming increasingly...
The Handicapped Must be Remembered in Bus Design . . . S 0ME standardization of hand rails and seat grips to aid passengers...
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D ESPITE a further deficiency of about £38,000 on last year's working of Cardiff transport undertaking, there has been an...
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pounds, has been placed by the Ministry of Supply with the Rootes Group for a 1-ton four-wheeled military vehicle which has...
representatives of the Road Haulage Association were made by several hundred operators at an Association meeting in...
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RBAGTING an 'approaching storm • •of applications for higher fares, • there Is now a lull in' the Licensing • Authorities'...
MR. R. LAYTON, divisional transport officer of the Durham Coal Board, has retired. MR. J. HOLMES, of Trojan. Ltd., is visiting...
A NY proposal which might limit the activities of small bus operators would be viewed with anxiety by Norfolk Finance...
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E'OLLOWING a parade of 250 1 vehicles in Birmingham last Saturday, a hauliers' meeting was called last Monday to discuss the...
in L.-this country to use buses with powerassisted steering, Messrs. Tailby and George Blue Bus Services, Willington, will...
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A S the result of an agreement between the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd.. and the Transport and General Workers' Union,...
• Mexico has ordered 1,000,000 AC.Sphinx sparking plugs. Twenty-three Perkins engines are being exhib:ted at the Brussels...
L AST year the United States produced 1,343,000 commercial vehicles, according to Ward's Automotive Reports. The figure for...
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A MOVE to amend Hull Works CornrAmittee's Socialist-inspired resolution to hire lorries from the Road Haulage Executive,...
A REMINDER that if hauliers apply for partial acquisition of their businesses by the Road Haulage Executive, they would also be...
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S TRONG resentment has been expressed by the council of the Public Transport Association at the " inconsiderate manner" in...
THE extent to which commerciali vehicle production is likely to fall because of the 15-20-per-cent. cut in sheet-steel supplies...
T HE establishment of 'goods and passenger transport centres at towns six or seven miles from Glasgow, to eliminate traffic...
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Cheek by Jowl M ANY users of transport find difficulty in distinguishing between nationalized and free-enterprise concerns....
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he ROAD By Alan Smith A BOUT three years ago, the chairman of a big food concern paid a visit to one of his company's...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.1.R.T.E. B ELGIUM has few inanufacturers producing cars or commercial vehicles, cOnsequently there is ample...
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of State Transport By J. B. BURGHART (East Midlands Area Representative, National Union of Manufacturers) Because the R.H.E....
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Epicyclic Gearbox with Electro-pneumatic Valves Actuated by Centrifugal and Throttle Governor to Provide Fully Automatic...
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IN the construction of lightweight 1 bodies, traditional building methods have now gone by the board. Design has received a...
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A Method by Means of Which Operating Expenses may be Expressed as Percentages of the Total is Discussed in this Article I...
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DOWER-ASSISTED braking equipment. which calls for, no extra controls in the cab of the tractive, unit has recently been...
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Executive Embarks on Consolidation Programme, and Tries to Increase Efficiency, Reduce Costs and Eliminate Waste 44 1-IREE...
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is Flexible By C. S. DUNBAR, M.Inst.T A RGUMENTS concerning the carriage of fish arise so frequently during hearings before...
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P LANS are being made to produce British-built Reo goods and passenger chassis employing power and transmission units imported...
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How Vehicle Turn-round is being Speeded up in the Factory and on the Farm By Harold Wickenden T HE farmer, the factory, and...
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P ATENT No. 645,792 comes from Morris Motors, Ltd., Cowley, Oxford, and discloses a transmission system having several novel...