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BY S. BUCXLEY THE old argument is once again given an airing that trade and• industry operates fleets of vehicles with little...
From our Industrial Correspondent A CCORDING to Labour's argu ment, reducing the number of C-licence vehicles would relieve...
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C OMMERCIAL vehicle operators may have their private driving licences taken away as a result of their vehicles infringing...
[ACTING swiftly to reports of the Labour Party's plans to take restrictive action in the C-licence field if returned to power,...
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WITH the winding up of the First " General Assurance and Guarantee Co. Ltd. insurance concern, the Order for which took effect...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE official inquiry into the road &III age licensing system, which is -to be undertaken by a...
A TOP LEVEL reorganization of rA British Road Services was announced this week. A new body, the B.R.S. Federation, has been set...
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THE new h e a d quarters of the St. Albans Sand and Gravel Co. Ltd. was officially opened this week at Cheshunt,...
Channel Crossing Report In Ministers Hands A DVANCE copies of the long-awaited rt report by British and French officials on the...
Linked to Transport B Y the end of the year the Government will be in a position to interlock the development of the ports,...
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A N application by Evan Cook Ltd.. London, for a change of the normal user for 25 vehicles on B licenee wai refused last week...
THERE was strong opposition from seven coach operators and British Railways at Manchester this week to an application by...
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by the Dumfries County Council against the decision _Of the Scottish Traffic...
TWO Monmouthshire haulage com. 1 . panic were told on Tuesday of the confusion caused by having so many different conditions on...
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THE Transport Tribunal, siting in London last week, allowed an appeal by a Gloucester caravan transporter company against the...
clear that Parliament took the view that efficient, reliable and adequate facilities could be provided only by a transport...
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B US operators in districts wher railway services are withdrawn ar to be allowed to tow luggage trailer behind their vehicles,...
A BERFELDY MOTOR COACHES rA LTD., which operates bus services between Aberfeldy and Pittochry via Ballinluig, has warned Perth...
rLOSURE of uneconomic railway lines in Scotland under the Beeching " axe" would not automatically mean substantially...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT . 1-1 A WARNING to London Transport not to bring up again their proposals for higher...
E AST YORKSHIRE MOTOR SERVICES LTD. is to be informed that all its buses should be fitted with flashing indicators, and that...
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TWO new additions have beej made to I the range of semi-trailer manufactured by Charles Pitt (Bartoi Stacey) Ltd. They are the...
rUY MOTORS (EUROPE) LTD. has ‘6-1 introduced a leasing scheme to enable operators to lease Guy vehicles on the most...
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MEWS of encouraging increases in demand at home and abroad has been given by three major chassis manufacturers. Albion Motors...
A N unusual type of all-light-alloy tipping body has been produced by Bonallack and Sons Ltd., Basildon, Essex, the first...
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NAEETINGS of the Institute of TransIVI port for the 1963-64 session include the presidential address on October 14, the...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IT looks as though the European 11 Parliament may support the IRU's proposals for a maximum...
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A N attachment for trolley jacks to allow them to be used for removing and fitting chassis units such as axles and gearboxes...
A VERSION of its portable Model PA, FAP high-pressure greasing unit operated by single-cylinder air-cooled petrol/TVO engine...
A NEW vehicle anti-theft device, called the Auto Lock, which is suitable both for cars and commercial vehicles, has been...
A METHOD of fastening which can ri save time and cost has been introduced by the Armstrong Patents Co. Ltd., Eastgate,...
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I HEAR that a haulier in a well-known North Yorkshire training and stabling area has taken over a fleet of railway road...
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HE phrase: "if a man fits into a niche, then he's doing what T , he wants to do; he's keen and that suits all of us"...
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A T last year's Commercial Motor Show, the Standard Motor Co. Ltd. introduced its new 15 and 20 vans to replace the Atlas and...
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Three Versions Available INDEPENDENT DRIVE to each of the two rear axles is a 1 feature of a Bedford TK with - Reynolds...
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WRITES ‘Common Market transport may be very different from what is at present envisaged' A RRANGEMENTS recently concluded for...
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" MINETY-FIVE per cent of these drivers have studied the new Highway Code; the remainder—mostly the older ones—are still...
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.A REDUCTION of some 30 per cent in I — I the number of entrants in last Sunday's Stoke-on-Trent Lorry Driver of the Year...
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W HEN 103 gas undertak'ngs, large and small, were merged !Filo the North Western Gas Board in 1949 the way was opened for the...
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B "AUSE of frustrating delays in loading and unloading at customers' premises and at the docks, Arthur Wood and Co. (Transport)...
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F OLLOWING a series of spectacular accidents involving runaway lorries, in which many fatalities resulted, in 1954-55, the...
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T HE extent to which transport is a service industry is well exemplified in the operation of small vans. They are employed to...