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T HE latest addition to the vast library of publications examining this country's inadequate roads system came last week from...
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Fra sins T WO bronze busts of Ernest Bevin gaze down at Frank Cousins as he works at his desk in a spacious room in Transport...
W HEN Mr. James Brannan • heads for the Continent his holiday usually takes more the form of a change than a rest. He has been...
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rOUR ways in which he thought the authorities could help to preserve and encourage the road haulage industry were stated by Mr....
From our Parliamentary Corresponden r HANCES of the Road Traffic Bil becoming law this year are no exceedingly slender. When...
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T HE Dutch Government has this week issued to the Common Market cornapssion an official memorandum on the ubject of transport...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT D EPRESENTATIVES of the haulage and C-licence sections of the International Road Transport Union...
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M R. D. G. STOKES, sales director of the Leyland Group, is the new president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders...
Mr. C. Nock has been appointed Northern Area representative for Ken Smith (Trailers) Co., Ltd. Mr. L. J. Portman, export sales...
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N application by Midway Haulage, - "Ltd., Wigan, to transfer Ii vehicles 773 tons to public A licence was ijourned at...
)LEADING guilty at Wood Green • (London) magistrates court last 7 riday to 22 summonses for permitting ehicles to .carry goods...
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Crompton Garage Win Appeal —But Get Only One Unit T HE Transport Tribunal in London 1 last week decided to grant Crompton...
A BRANDON, Suffolk, trader r - k appealed to the Tribunal against the refusal of the Eastern Area Deputy Licensing Authority to...
T HE Tribunal imposed a restriction on a grant by the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority to Mr. A. Mealor, of Whitby,...
" R.A.C. House ": Earl Mountbatten of Burma, President of the Royal Automobile Club, will open " R.A.C. House" in Lanadowne...
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T "public service industry had waited three years for the 40 m.p.h. speed limit and 12 years for the larger boxed dimensions....
I WISH I had the power to award costs against people who make formal application for licences and then do not turn up at the...
'"HE number of commercial vehicles produced in March, at 46,360.Nvas well in excess of the 40,128 manufactured during the month...
E,CAUSE parties are travelling from all over the North West for the Billy Graham Crusade, vastly extended parking accommodation...
For his public-spiritedness in agreeing to serve on the Transport Tribunal if needed, Mr. 3. B. C. Samuel-Gibbon was...
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IN an attempt to improve their excursion facilities, Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd„ applied at 'Leeds on Monday for several new...
sioncrs, sitting in Reading la Friday, gave Thames Valley Tractit Co., Ltd., one month to provide a servi for residents of a...
L AST year, Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd., carried 220.000 more passenger than in 1959. This arresting of fill national trend...
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D EM ONST R AT1ONS were held last week of the novel two-stroke petrol-engine which William R. Selwood, Ltd., and Mr. Cecil...
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near Ripley, Derbyshire, has been purchased by Alfreton Transport. Ltd., Alfreton, Derbyshire. With the four vehicles involved...
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FEWER goods vehicles were produced in Austria last year, the annual output failing to 4,439 units from a 1959 level of 4,875...
A N offer of £64-m. has been made by in Transport Development Group, Ltd., to acquire the f200.000 Ordinary and £300,000 " A "...
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A single-deck standee bus for 75 passengers, weighing 31 tons unladen and on 15-in. wheels, was suggested by Mr. J. McHugh,...
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McHugh's paper. He based J. McHugh on his discussion on the assumption that the public would turn more and more to the...
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THE Morris 504 13-ft.-4-in.-wheelIt base chassis and cab has been adapted as an aircraft loader and two of these new-look...
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L OWEST total of penalty points at the Birmingham round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition on Sunday was over 100. but...
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Wide Range of Problems Discussed at Copenhagen Town and Traffic Planning Must be Co-ordinated; Radio Communication with all...
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The Channel Tunnel ' READ with very great interest your column, "Cross L Question," by Janus, which dealt with the Channel...
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30 PER CENT. OF U.S. PRODUCTION COSTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO HANDLING Many Countries Emphasize Need for Mechanization: Southport...
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S OMETHING of the history of the "transport of abnormal indivisible loads was related by Mr. J. N. Drummond, chief heavy...
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:AT T HE yard of a builders' merchants is a confusing place —to a layman. Yet the very variety and quantity of materials...
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I N SPITE of some rough treatment during the discussions in the committee stage, the Road Traffic Bill appears to be leaving...
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Fleet Location and Control A Recommended Daily Summary Sheet is Described Here on Which Depots Can Record Essential Data N...
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Dual-Purpose Atlanteans Introduced by Devon General "MINE Leyland Atlantean, dual-purpose, 175-seater, double-deckers,...