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Are P.S.V.s to be r XTRAORDINARY things Barred from Motor " are happening in connec Roads . tion with the Special Roads Bill....
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That our road-test expert is now practising stoking. That being "on tow" is a long way from being " on velvet." That if we...
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BUS NATIONALIZATION TO START IN NORTH-EAST P RELIMINARY consultations, which are likely to be the spearpoint of...
A BOUT 14 separate types of licence rAforrn will eventually be saved by the simplification of the procedure governing...
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" IT is not proposed to allow buses to run on these roads [motorways], generally speaking," said Mr. James Callaghan,...
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MR. W. V. GiBSON has been appointed general secretary of the Automobile Association, and MR. J. F. HEDLEY deputy secretary....
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Whereas, in Each of These Two Spheres, There is a Relationship Between Road and Rail. Therefore— Why Only One R.T.E.? c. s. A...
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C LEAR indications of the future shape of inland transport in Great Britain, and in particular of the part that road transport...
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p ROVISION for increased passenger comfort, greater convenience in collecting fares and quicker loading, is apparent in the...
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I T has always been the firm policy of "The Commercial Motor" to avoid giving editorial publicity to any accessory for which...
nESPITE many difficulties in operat ing old vehicles, particularly trolleybuses which have already run for 15-16 years and...
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W HEN the Morris-Commercial 5-ton 41-litre 75 b.h.p. oilengined chassis was first announced in "The Commercial Motor" on April...
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A Cleansing Department which Appreciates the Full Importance of Thorough Maintenance T 0 the unobtrusive but outstanding...
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VENT County Council has been rIsrecornmended by its primary education and welfare sub-committee to buy a mobile dental clinic,...
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Can Removers Reach Unity on COSTS? W HEN I read, in the advance notices of the autumnal conference of the National...
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the remarks made by Mr. L. Reynolds, A.I.R.T.E., on the origin of the S.O.S. bus, which were published in your issue dated...
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a CENTURY of SERVICE By J. D. McLINTOCK T HE business of W. H. Smith and Son, Ltd.:Strand House, London, W.C.2, which is too...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T HE double clutch, as a means for obtaining a larger number of gear...