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J UDGMENT was recently given in the Sheriff Court at Edinburgh in a particularly interesting case of considerable importance to...
S OME interesting comments upon the future roads of this country were made recently by the Minister of Transport when opening a...
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S ONIE of the points brought to light at the sixth annual conference of the Smoke Abatement Society, held recently in Glasgow,...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Bradford and New Wage Scales. Following a request that Bradford City Council should consider the acceptance of the wages scale...
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T HE monthly return of the Ministry of Transport, giving the number of motor vehicles registered for the first time under the...
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• Designing the Framework of Box and Tilt Vans. Points in Floor Lay-out. Various Types of Wheelarch for Different Purposes T...
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By the Technical Editor of "The Motor" Many Novelties in the Design of Suspension Systems and Frames. New Engine and Gearbox...
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T HE Institution of Automobile Engineers last Friday held its 15th annual dinner at the Park Lane Hotel, . the President, Mr....
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A New Angle on the Vexed Question of Keeping Records, Which Provide Reliable Data for Assessing Rates By Capt. E. H. B....
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F the commercial-vehicle chassis that have been introduced during the past twelve months, it is probably safe to surmise that...
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An Interesting System which, by the Use of Compressed Air, Provides Effective Atomization Without Affecting the Composition of...
ELIA13LE and economical service ‘from oil-engined vehicles is being obtained by the Burton Transport Co., 78, Derby Street,...
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The Industry at Last Stirring to Defend Itself. Call for the Amalgamation of Goods and Passenger Associations Early...
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COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT WHICH FLY AT 200 m.p.h. The Melbourne Centenary Air Race from England to Australia, which starts at...
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Garage Equipment is Making Headway Tools and Apparatus for the Transport Engineer, of Special Interest or of Recent...
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S LF-CONTAINED tools have tindoubted merits. Where a frame or handle can be used with a number of small cutting tools, each for...
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O NE of the most marked features of the road-passenger-transport industry is the decline of the independent operator. This...
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MINISTER RULES AGAINST "LIMITED" DUPLICATION. A Nappeal by the London and North Eastern Railway Co.. seeking further...
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The Railways Oppose the Increasing of the Tonnage of R. Barr (Leeds), Ltd. A DENIAL of misrepresentation bePI fore the...
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Heavy Industries Brighter. Steady Demand for Wool Haulage. Hosiery Business Better. Footwear Trade Improving. Coal Position...
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Synchronous Clutch A Resumd of Recently Published Patent Specifications A DEVICE to be incorporated in a L'Agearbox for the...