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other, as a recognised factor in the facilities for passenger transport in and around all large centres of population, to a...
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Good Results with Lacre and Thornycroft Vehicles. The inception of road motor transport in Southern Nigeria was due to the...
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By Harold Whiting Slauson. Owing to the much greater amount of power required to propel an electric vehicle over rough roads,...
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Among recent catalogues received at this office is one from Sturmey Motors, Limited, of the Lotis Works, 230-250; Widdrington...
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lessrs. Stoewer (Stettin) made L.:11,228 net profit in 19a, compared with L15,743 in 1907. The cycle, typewriter and...
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From a User's Point of View. That the tractor entered by Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Company, Limited, of Chiswick and...
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This journal is exclusively read by the principals of many wealthy commercial houses, and by the heads of important Government...
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Leeds is the most recent provincial city to inaugurate taxicabs. The West London Taxicab Company, Limited, with an authorised...
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The action of the precision-feed carburetter which is made by the Davis Paraffin Carburetter Company, of Station Avenue, Kew...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subiects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on use side of...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where si...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words For anything else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...