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-IE GREAT SURGE of patriotic pride which Britain ;perienced this week should not be allowed to subside in the Inds of time. It...
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HAULAGE drivers' delegates were due to meet in London this ek to decide on next winter's pay claim, grave doubts were being...
THE first six months of 19131, uliers' operating costs rose by iht per cent, according to the , ad Haulage Association. There...
MOST commercial vehicle: should now be fitted witl sealed and calibrated tacho graphs. From today (Saturday), al vehicles...
LORRY BANS are still increasing, according to a Freight Transpon Association survey which has revealed a particularly sharp...
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at Munic NEXT YEAR'S Munich Transp Fair will concentrate on elle saving and environmentally tractive features and there . he a...
THE Freight Transport Association has just published a lorry driv guide to London. The guide is a combination of maps and...
IRISH hauliers' French fait style protests against he taxation (CM July 25) see have cut little ice with the co try's new...
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MBA MOTORS have served a libel writ against BBC Radio, for mg allegations of management malpractices in the Radio 4 eckpoint...
liST YEAR spending on trunk ads plummeted to a 15-year w, according to a British Road ;deration report, Britain's ad Progress....
INTERFREIGHT Ltd has appealed against a Solihull Borough Council decision to refuse planning permission for an 85-acre inland...
TNT, the A$8 m (E6 .9 6m turnover Australian transport gi ant, is poised to repeat its sue cess on the British market in Ire...
THE GOVERNMENT intends tc publicise a new measure whia makes it an offence to interfer€ with a vehicle or trailer, in a pub....
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TOO many heavy vehicles are driven in excess of the speed it, according to Yorkshire Licensing Authority Mai-Gen John penter....
E4m-PLUS contract to distribute all Volkswagen and Audi parts to a dealer network throughout the UK, has been won by Dow ?.ight...
A NEW CMR Consignment Note has been jointly produced by the Freight Transport Association, the Road Haulage Association, and...
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;CRAP METAL and waste dealer Denis Raine had acted reasonably n dismissing skip wagon driver Kenneth Massey after he had...
4LTHOUGH it had no firm official directives regarding the operation 1 vehicles, Western Licensing Authority Mal Gen Sir John...
HE STRIKE by Northern Ire3nd's vehicle testing civil ser'ants has ended after five weeks which postal applications for asts...
IRISH Warehousing and Tra port Company Ltd, the Dub based freight forwarding cc pany, has been taken over Frank Scully (former...
A BAN ON lorries parking overnight in Basildon, Essex, came int force on July 20 when the new town's £120,000 lorry park WE...
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THE FIRST hybrid electric vehicles with a claimed performance equal to their internal combustion-engined counterparts will be...
LICENSING agreement for the manufacture of Deutz engines has been signed by Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz and Autopromimport, the...
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!I NEW electronic on-board Neighing system distributed in Iritain by Precision Loads Ltd, 3ingley, West Yorkshire, is :laimed...
A TRAILER axle capable of accepting Alcoa's lightweight aluminium alloy wheel is now offered by Rubery Owen-Rockwell Ltd. The...
THREE Major Rescue Te have been supplied to the County Fire Brigade by Pile Greene Limited, the Bu Hill-based specialist veh...
THE ATLAS AK 3006 A crane is just one of the models built by Atlas Hydraulic Loaders Ltd at Blackwood, Lanarkshire. Together...
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EXTENDIBLE low-bid semiiler has been manufactured r Dowsett Engineering Conruction Ltd, Bilton Hall, Narrate, to transport...
THREE hydraulically controlled Ampliroll units — fitted 4 to Volvo BM861 chassis — are being operated by Gleanaway Ltd to haul...
A NEW Schenck eddy currer dynamometer and test contri system has been installed t Vauxhall Motors in their engin test...
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A NEW Glasgow coachin centre has been set up at 2 Se chiehall Street, Glasgow, Park's of Hamilton to provide terminal for its...
IPSWICH Borough Transport has ordered six Dennis Falcon H singledeck buses for one of its busiest stage-carriage routes. The...
PLC Engineering Company Ltd the makers of Peters door gem for buses, has been acquired bl Woodrush Investments, a nem company...
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NEW midweek bus service in e South Pennines has been unched by West Yorkshire E. Aimed specifically at tourists, e service,...
HE NEW board member of eeds-based Hanson Haulage td is Roger Trigell. Mr Trigell ; group director of marketing at oadline UK...
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A74: All traffic uses the southbound carriageway at Johnstoneidge, Dumfriesshire while long-term bridge widening is in ogress....
Al: There are roadworks just north of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and surfacing is in operation on the northbound carriageway at...
A45: There will be single-lane, alternate-way working at Fiore, )rthamptonshire (between M1 junction 16 and the AS at Weedon)...
A2: There are numerous roadworks between Bexleyheath an Dover. Operators should allow an extra hour for journeys to th Channel...
A4: Delays are likely at peak periods at Hotwell Road, Bristol an London Road West, Bath. A377: There is resurfacing in hand...
Because of holiday traffic congestion, the French authorities havE banned goods vehicles exceeding six tonnes gross on certain...
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GARDING David Wilcox's icle on psv drivers' hours M, July 11) it should be noted t it is not correct to say that en...
I WOULD like to take this opportunity to thank everyone concerned with our trip to Holland. Our primary concern was to take a...
AS A regular reader of CM, I was sorry to see the Hawk desert his normally high journalistic standard and resort to knocking...
I REFER to the article in CM (July 18, p17) in which some academic boy wonders in the OTTS make some remarkable and...
I HAVE a caravanette based on a 1966 Karrier ambulance, chassis type KAL 3023, which is very similar to the present day DodgE...
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V() TOLL bridges are the uice of local controversy. One 'er the Humber, opened by the Jean on July 17, may never be ric for by...
RI EADER of The Times irr plains that as trains become st e the nameboards on at ons become smaller and inrlot be read by...
THE BIGGAR Museum Trust, whose achievements include the preservation of the town's 1839 gasworks as a scheduled ancient...
THE EXTENT to which patronage and revenue can be increased by the mere provision of information about services, as distinct...
A SCANIA artic is home as well as a place of worship to four Ha Krishna monks from Scotland, Greece, Canada and Dominica. The...
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The giant which didn' know its own strengt1 When events overtook Grimsby-based Humber McVeigh, it was very near the to of the...
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Up in Yorkshire they have their own way o doing things — and Independent Coachways are no exception. They cut the cloth...
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1E 1981 CM Livery Competin begins with the light vehicle iss, which is for vehicles up to tons gvw. Entry is now open. The...
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The haulage game's certainly a dangerous one to play right now. To find out just how high the stakes for what returns, John...
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by Graham Montgome York keeps the covered wagon market rolling along with the Envoy van which follows the lurch towards grp but...
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It cost £87m and is the longest single bridg of its kind in the world. Was it worth it? Savage tolls may cancel out fuel saved...
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SEEMS that Daimler-Benz leased their Land-Rover compeor centuries ago. Certainly the :hides have not been heard of Britain...
BRAKES and braking systen are becoming more complicatt both on commercial vehich and cars, and it is becoming cc respondingly...
LONDON Transport's expel ience with Continental-patter AEC Merlin standee single-decl ers will go down in history a one of the...
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NDOW displays at the Swiss ntre in London have taken a stalgic look at the velopment and equipment of e of Europe's oldest...