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A PPARENTLY Lord Lucas, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport is not aware of the existence of the ,licensing...
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N EVER before have members of the road haulage industry shown so emphatically their lack of co-operation, lack of cohesion,...
Secret of Success A COMMON practice of an Early Final ". favoured in connection Drive vvith bevel drives is for the pinion to...
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That the farmers are growing restive. That Mr. Foley Egginton has started something. That as the B.T.C. can do no wrong, it...
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('IN January 1 the Road Haulage \-/Executive is introducing interim standard conditions of carriage. These will apply until...
A NEW technique in opposing the renewal of ncences is being developed by the Road Haulage Executive. It Is claiming to take the...
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Sir David: "Only by acquiring a service by agreement, or by making a scheme." Counsel maintained that on a strict...
T HESwan Motor Co., Ltd., and Swansea Bus Services, Ltd., operating services in Swansea and the Gower peninsula, are being...
H EAVY-VEHICLE manufacturers are taking .up the suggestion made by Sir John E. Thornycroft, governing director and chairman of...
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'THE new 852,000-sq.-ft, extension to 1 the factory of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., at Luton, was formally opened on Tuesday. It is...
MR. T. R. HAWKES has been appointed a director of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd. MR. I. D. Comwers., A.M.I.Mech.E.,...
P RESIDING Jit a meet i ng of Plymouth and E - a at Cornwall hauliers, last week, Mr. F. H. Pedrick, of Devonport, said that...
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" T HE obvious solutions of some of the difficulties of the Road Haulage Executive are surely the appointment of clearing...
£92 to Vehicle " IF, during the year under review. income tax and profits tax had been eliminated, then, everything else being...
A RESOLUTION calling on the Minister of Transport and northern M.P.s to receive deputations from members of the Road Haulage...
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THIS week, Mr. C. E. Jordan. chair". man of the West Midlands Area of the Traders' Road Transport AssociaFort and chairman of...
T HE sale of a 32-seater coach was the subject of a dispute in the Chancery Division in which judgment was given last week. Mr....
C OACHES which operators of Continental tours wish to retain in France throughout the season may require permits next year....
T HE Road Haulage Executive is putting up for auction another 130 lorries recently acquired. Surplus vehicles go under the...
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D L A STE R E D with slogans, 250 vehicles of free hauliers in Leicestershire paraded last Saturday through the centre Of...
S TRIKE action as a protest .againsi the Road Haulage Executive's pal1cy on permits is to be considered at a forthcoming...
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TERMS of the agreement on wages and conditions of all operating and ancillary grades of British Road Services, have been...
D URING the year ended July 31 last, the turnover of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., in all its activities, increased by an average of 20...
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Frozen Meat A MEAT-CARRYING body which is r I commendable for its straightfor ■ %ard design, has recently been built by...
C HANGES 'have been made in the ...specification of the Bedford P s -ton to 5-ton range, which is powered by the "long-life"...
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An Independent Expert Examines the Way the R.H.E. is Amalgamating the Acquired Undertakings and Creating a New National...
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Suspension Systems Figure Prominently in the Latest Developments in the Design of Trailers and Semi-trailers trailers...
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A LTHOUGH the Smithfield Show, which opens at Earls Court on Monday next, has the approval of the Society of Motor...
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commercial vehicles J. were constructed, of which 13,56 1 3 were for export—" a very remarkable record," said Mr. G. R....
an action which arose I - 1 out of the disappearance of three lorry-loads of scrap lead were heard before the Court of Appeal...
T HE urgent problem of traffic congestion in Preston and Lancaster was put to the Minister of Transport, last week by a...
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The Lady with the Lamp Taking Credit Where Credit is Due, the British Transport Commission Nevertheless Considers Itself...
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UOW well "Janus " drives home the nails when 11.-: I 'describes the Earls Court .Show as a morgue. I enter the show and...
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* FTER lengthy negotiaeon with Athe . battery electric vehicle • manufacturers, wit h t he co-operatioh of, the Electric...
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By Arthur R. Wilson, M.I.R.T.E. T HE revocation and substitution of permits, mans of them held by removal contractors, brings...
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Comparisonsin the Many items of Road Transport Cost that Have Increased in the Past Nine Months Are Described Here F EW will...
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C ONFESSING himself to be severely shaken by the volume of protest which the decision to institute half fares for children from...
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P ATENT No. 640,727, which aornes froin litrockhouse Engineering : (Southport), Ltd., shows a design far . , a hydraulic...