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T LIE PUBLIC is beginni a ' to take the line that, when a need has becuiiae sufficiently pronounced to call for the appointment...
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I N THE FIRST of an interesting series of articles contributed to The Times by Sir Lyndon Macaey, formerly Secretary of the...
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That traffic at the moment is terrific. That tractor orders are free and plentiful. Oil Stand 245, " Which is the linen...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficuteies of transport at whatever points arising, as a cairiage is by the...
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Committee's Recommendations on the Vexed Questions of Production, Denaturing and Utilization. T HE INTER-DEPARTMENTAL...
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Showmanship and Saleimanship. Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery. I T HAS BEEN my good fortune recently to have the...
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during the war to experiment with suction-gas producers to replace liquid fuel for driving motor vehicles. Details of some of...
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A Product Resulting from the Collaboration of British and American Engineers. A CHASSIS' which - is of particular in terest,...
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A Visit to an Interesting Institution. Some New Ideas. A VERY WELCOME resumption, after the interregnum of the war period, is...
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How the Comfort of the Workers has been Provided for with the Addition of Other Utilitarian Notions. I T IS BECOMING generally...
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By an Officer. A N EllITORIAL note in The Comme r cial Motor of June 10th Opens up a question that should appeal to the...
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Fuller Details of the New Productions. • The Triumph of the British Makers. A T LAST I Those of us who are keen Britishers,...
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T HERE HAVE BEEN a 'number of lorry and tractor conversions designed for the Ford ear, some of which have been satisfactory,...
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By an Insurance Expert. I N ALL PROBABILITY there is nt more important adjunct to a car. (this term applies to all motor...
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A PRIZE OF TEN S.ELILLINGS is awarded each week all others are paid for at the rate of a penny a line, with an published....
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. There have been many attempts to perfect a suitable detachable rim * for...