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F OLLOWING the post-war slump, the present revival in agriculture should again bring out the advantages of the agrimotor. The...
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That the public remains poor. That this page more than counts. That the blue sky is there but has been shy. That...
The "de luxe," hired for a private picnic party, was parked at the roadside and the driver was lending a hand with the luncheon...
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"2" he wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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First Particulars of the New Model, Now Approved By Scotland Yard, and to Ply for Hire on London's Streets in August. T HE...
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The Attitude of the Farmer Towards More Efficient Methods of Ploughing, Cultivation, etc., and the Effect of Money Shortage....
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How the Country Carrier's Business Has Been Revolutionized by the Introduction of Motor Power. T EM PROPLEM of rural transport...
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THE CASE of road transport, the osis of paraffin in place of petrol has never triaclemuds headway, but the disadvantages which...
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The Wonderful Collection of Exhibits Staged This Year Includes Many Shown for the First Time. There are Steam, Petrol and...
The electric truck exhibited on this stand is a standard Green Bat production. Its load capacity is two tons, and it can, in...
Perhaps the most. interesting exhibit on this stand is the single-cylinder oil-driven roller. This is designed to he run on...
I.C. Ploughing Tackle. Steam Tractors and Wagons. Steam Rollers and Equipment and Agrimetors. Besides one example of the new...
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On this stand are shown a couple of standard single-cylinder 7 n.b.p. traction engines by two well-known makers, Marshall, Sons...
Motor Mower for,Orchsirds.. The motor mower shown by th4 ampanylis of a new and particularly interesting type. lt,..134 . a,1...
Two steam rollers (one an 8-tonner, the other a 10), a steam tractor, and a traction engine, are the exhibits on this stand,...
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Tractor. i A 6-ton undertype steam wagon and a 4 compound steam tractor are to be found staged by this company. The...
The four exhibits shown here consist of a 5 n.h.p. road locomotive with double crank compound cylinders, springs fore and aft,...
Two neat Self-contained trailer fire pumps are shown on this stand ; the smaller, of 150-gallon capacity, is mounted on two...
The -Foster exhibits include a 5-6-ton compound steam wagon on rubber tyres and Ei 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder traction engine...
Steam and I.C. Ploughing Engines, Rollers. McLaren's patent oil motor windlass, for ploughing on the, cable system, has not...
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Amongst the exhibits on this stand is to be noted one example of tractor construction, the Peterboro', which is made by Peter...
exhibits on this stand include a very complete range of motor rollers for all purposes in various weights, from 35 cwt. to 12...
Engine Oil.driven • Locomotive. • The Blackstone agricultural tractor has been altered slightly since we last .saw it. Tho most...
Clayton Wagons, Ltd.; show on this, stand a 5-ton electric vehicle and a 6-ton undertype steamer. The former is of the...
Ruston and Hornsby again remind us that the British Wallis tractor secured the first prize and gold medal in the three-furrow...
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This company specialize in the manufacture of small thrashirig machines, and. they are showing one on their stand in...
Besides a couple of , traction engines, one a compound of 6 mh.p., and the other a single-cylinder of 7 n.h.p. Ransorries are...
It is an interesting fact that Dennis Bros., Ltd., famed for many years as makers of motor vehicles of all kinds, induct; ing...
Agricultural Motor Tractors. The Hart-Parr tractor is of the open type, embodying a two-cylinder horizontal engine, with...
No Tasker stand would be complete without an example of the company's well-known Little Giant steam tractor, which in this MSC...
Stands 139, 140 Ford Vehicles and Fordson Tractors, Ford 7-cwt. vans, I-ton trucks and Fordson tractors form the exhibit of...
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OF GREAT BRITAIN, LTD. Stand 138 Petrol Vehicles, Agrimotors. Not many petrol vehicles are on view, consequently we must draw...
This stand includes examples of several well-known products, including traction engines manufactured by Clayton arid...
The Borsig ploughing engines, of which one is exhibited on this stand, embody single-cylinder oil-engines of 8 n.h.p: They are...
The Glasgow tractor still remains as before, and is still pique amongst machines of this type. It has three wheels, all J which...
These rototillers, although not new to the "Royal," having been exhibited there now for several years in succession, are,...
Trailers and Tipping uears. The most i:nteresting exhibit on this stand is undoubtedly the two-wheel trailer which is...
Those who are interested in the development of the road roller to meet the requirements of modern road, construction will find...
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Stand 158 Steam Wagons. The Yorkshire, in its latest guise, has the distinction of being the first successful effort to build...
The most interesting of the Mann exhibits is certainly the new 6-ton undertype wagon, which, incidentally, was described in...
The Case exhibit includes two tractors and one Silo filler. The tractors are the 12-20 and the 15-27. Both machines have the...
An exceptional exhibit for the Royal is the handsome singledecker steam bus recently built by this company; it is a 32-seater...
Two steam wagons to carry 6-ton loads, one a tipper if the single-screw type and the other with a fixed lorry body, and a 7...
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This firm has for long specialized in the sale of the Cletrac tractor, a machine of the chain-track type, particularly suitable...
Stand 174 • Road Roller. • There is a great variety of exhibits on this stand, but' that of main interest to us is the steam...
this company consists of two 6-ton overtype steam wagons, one being shown with a trailer and standard body, whilst the other...
A mohir mower of exceptionally simple design is the - Tennsylvania, which has a cut of 27 ins. This little machine is driven by...
Motor Lawn Mower. A varied assortment of gardening tools and equipment is shown on this stand, the most interesting item being...
Many useful types of motoi mowers are to be found here ; they range from the light 20-in, to the high.capacity 36-in., and...
Amongst the several motor lawn mowers, ranging from one of 24-in, cut downwards, exhibited on this stand, interest attaches to...
the whole Show have been entrusted to this well-known company, who have a well-equipped fire-station on which will be found a...
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Clyde Utility Car. Dennis Mower. As agents for leading manufacturing concerns, these exhibitors show, inter alia, the Clyde...
W. H. WILLCOX AND CO., LTD. Stand 75 A wonderful variety of accessories for traefors, wagons, etc., and samples of various...
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The Latest Fowler Steam Wagon Embodies a Remarkable Boiler, V - twin Compound Engine Built as a Unit With the Three-speed...
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How the Problem of Quickly Raising a Bus Has Been Dealt With. O CalaTE OF • THE greatest troubles which the engineering •ataff...
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The Evolution of the Prominent Concerns in the British Commercial Vehicle Industry which 'have Made History by the Pursuit of a...
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How Concrete Can be Employed For Private Roads and Farm Buildings. Construction Well Within the Capacity of Ordinary Farm...
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The Need for Improved Facilities for the Commercial Vehicle Driver, Who at Present is Not the Recipient of the Hospitality...
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A Brief Description of the Construction of the Galloway Van which is Designed to Transport Light Loads up to 8 cwt. I T HAS...
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Buildings, Stock, Implements, Tractors, Motor Vehicles, Profits and Employees. I N INSURANCE, as in other business matters, it...
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WHILST THE use of aluminium for pistons, in place of cast-iron, • , has made great progress for pleagure cars, cast-iron is...
MHE interest attaching to an invita tion from the president of the Royal Society to. be present at the annual inspection by the...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A 18-SEATER DE LUXE-TYPE COACH. A Rebuilt Lancia Chassis...
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The Arrangements Made for Covering the Newcastle.Race Meeting, which Forms One of the Attractions of the Annual Week's Holiday...
The Latest Carrimore Design of Six-wheeled Combination Passenger Vehicle of Large Seating Capacity. WHOSE of our readers who...
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The Problems Which Have to be Elucidated. What the Roller Manufacturers are Building. Notes on Special Designs. °DERN BONDS...
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The Public Control Committee of the London County Council reports that a few years ago, having regard to the number of...
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More About Provincial Hire Cars. The Importance of Paying a Good Price in the First Place. "Second-hands.' C ONTINUING the...
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TAURING the last few years there has been a steady and continuous replacement of horse-drawn triansport by mechanically...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 535 —Repairing and Rebuilding the Silencer...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. I NVENTIONS dealing with the design of internal-combustion turbines have not of late...