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Of the Dumfries Constabulary using a Land-Rover. That this is setting a Rover to catch rovers. " Only five standing? Never...
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With Short-distar CULL details of appointments to the I Road Passenger Executive and the Road Haulage Executive were announced...
A NOTHER 26 road haulage undertakings were acquired by the British Transport Commission between June 19 and June 25, the Road...
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uliers Sir Cyril Hurcomb questions affecting its road passenger interests outside London, and, in the first place; its...
IN both the commercial-vehicle and .1 accessories sections of the first-postwar Scottish Motor Show, which will take place in...
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MR. D. W. BELCHER, A.S.E., A.I.A.A.E., general manager of Thornycraft (Australia), Pty., Ltd., has arrived in London for a...
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B ECAUSE 50 per cent, of the transport undertakings to he nationalized had not yet been taken over, there could be no hope of...
A PPOINTMENTS by the Road PA Haulage Association to the bodies that are being set up for the purpose of liaison with the Road...
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D ESPITE objections by British Railways and the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., last week, the Scottish . Licensing...
0 UTSIDE operations of London Transport's country bus and coach department have been reorganized by dividing the territory...
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A NEW R.P. four-pawl-type adjuster for the brake-shoe facings is to be fitted to ail Leyland heavy-duty passenger chassis. This...
K NOWN as the Super Hippo EH.6R model, Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lanes, has recently put into production a new vehicle...
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from July 5-8. For ease of reference, those exhibits which come within the scope of "The Commercial Motor" are dealt with in...
A LTHOUGH the number of exhibit - I tors showing vehicles and trailers is not large, there will, nevertheless, be a wide range...
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WITH the growing need for an VV increase in the home production of foodstuffs, there have been made available several...
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O N Stand 569 D, Thomas Ash and Co., Ltd., 19, Rea Street South, Birmingham, 5, will be showing various examples of its...
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Says JAN US Needs the Local Expert ARMERS and hauliers have, a great deal in common Each of them tends to favour the small...
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similar to those of the parcels carrier, in so far as the assessment of rates is concerned. It is impracticable, by direct...
ifficulties in LIVESTOCK HAULAGE the cost of operation. Because of that, it is not safe or reasonable merely to assume that...
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with Hotel Accommodation A NOVEL mobile exhibition stand, with luxury living accommodation for six to eight persons, made its...
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6 4 OAD transport put the Vale on its feet in the early days." "The hauliers are indispensable," "They're a keen lot, and...
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T HERE was a time when the question was asked: Does a farmer need lorries of his own? That era is long past. Now the question...
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Agricultural Transport W HEN County War Agricultural Executive Committees were introduced, they were a wartime measure to...