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T HERE is clearly a need for greater flexibility in connection with Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, relating to...
A CURSORY glance through any copy of " Applications and Decisions" shows that the number of applications for licences refused...
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T HE need for expert knowledge in dealing with motor cases has been appreciated by Hendon Police Court, which has had made...
A new development in connection with the Karrier Bantam is its production as a tractor unit for use with fixed or detach able...
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of awe-inspiring tests of a Chrysler. That we are not including a rolling-over demonstration in our trials of commercial...
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
T HE Bureau Permanent International des Constructeurs d'Auto. mobiles, Paris, met on February 15 at Berlin at the invitation of...
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We publish on this page a picture of a new type of fire-fighter, which has recently been placed in service by the London Fire...
We learn that Mr. A. G. Robinson, who was assistant certifying officer to the North-Western Traffic Commissioners, has been...
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T HE first 'annual dinner Of the Northamptonshire sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, at Northampton, last Saturday, was...
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The joint meeting, which is organized annually by the Institution of Automobile Engineers, and in which 12 societies are, this...
has been opened by the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators Association for the purposes of opposing the operation, in Yorkshire,...
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A Popular Model Now Available as a Tractor for Use with Fixed or Detachable Semi-trailing Units S INCE its introduction in...
T 11E problem of weight reduction is mach to the fore at the present time, and chassis manufacturers and coaelibuilders are...
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Arranging Floors, Doorways and Ramps in Motors and Trailers for the Transport of Cattle and Sheep. Vehicles with Multi purpose...
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Tried Out to Its Limits Impressions Obtained from a Severe Test of a Machine with Much Service to its Credit, which Should...
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the ball-and-socket joint is self-adjusting, is marketed by the Automotive Products Co., Brock House Langham Street, London,...
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UERIES CLASS A AND B CARRIERS WHO IGNORE THE ' WAGE RECOMMENDATIONS. [4495] We are very concerned at the apparent lack of...
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A BODY capacity of no less than 90 cubic ft. is afforded by the Longate Ford conversion marketed by Messrs. Wembley Motors....
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An Interesting Epicyclic Gearbox with Hydraulic Control, that May be Employed for Commercial Vehicles. Excel lent Efficiency...
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Full Particulars of a Four-wheeled Chassis that is Obtainable with either a Gardner or a Dorman Four-cylindered Oil Engine, and...
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A PREPARATION called Carborid has been introduced by Blue Star Industrial Products, Ltd., 137, Victoria Street, 'London, SAVA.,...
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Tendencies in the Industry Some Observations Based on the Official Returtm of New Motor-vehicle Registrations for 1934,...
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has received close attention by wholesalers during the past few years, and in 1931 a system of coordinating road and rail...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent MINISTER DEFENDS SILENCE ZONES. TN the House of Commons 'Sir W....
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Continuing Our Report of the International Motor Show at Berlin, We Describe Further Interesting Tendencies and Exhibits, the...
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L AST Friday, the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner granted, after a two-day hearing, some interesting applications by George...
Applications Again Adjourned After Long, Controversial Hearing A NOTHER full day was, last Friday, devoted to the various...
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INTER-AVAILABILITY of booking 1 offices is the subject of appeals by 46 Manchester district coach operators, which are due for...
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T HE group system of applications for excursion licences employed by the Yorkshire Motor Coach Owners Association was attacked...
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HILLMAN'S AIRWAYS: CHANGES IN ADMINISTRATION. THE directors of Hillman's Airways, Lid., state that Mr. T. Neville Stack,...
MENDERS are invited by. following (latest dates given in parentheses):—Anglesay C.C., for ehippings delivered to stations...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published P ATENT No. 422,617, by General Motors Track Corporation,...