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D ESPITE changing markets, disappointment over Britain's failure to become a member of the Common Market, the growing...
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R EINFORCED-PLASTICS bodies to a new design are fitted to two Morrison-Electricar dairy vehicles announced by Austin Crompton...
A NEW single-axle semi-trailer with fifth-wheel coupling has been introduced by Scammell Lorries Ltd. Called the FW1314, it is...
W HEN three firms were summoned at Nottingham Magistrates Court on Monday for allowing a heavy locomotive to be driven on the...
B ETTER standards for good vehicles on British roads were called for by two speakers at the annual dinner of the Traders Road...
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THE Minister of Transport is to amend the Construction and Use Regulations to restrict the use of two-tone horns solely to...
A T the present moment the Road Haulage Association and the independent road hauliers were only "on bail ". With a general :...
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I NIONopposition to runnin g schedules based on the 40 m.p.h. maximum speed for g oods vehicles is explained in detail by Mr....
T HE Traders Road Transport Associa tion is now accumulating evidence to show how the driving licence endorsement and dis q...
A NEW tanker semi-trailer j ust su pplied by Rippon Bros., Speke, Liverpool, 24, to A. S. Jones and Co. Ltd. to stainless-steel...
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S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the Southend sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. C. Robinson, Eastern area...
A SELF-CONTAINED, fully automatic system of discharging liquid carbon dioxide for temperature control of loads in transit has...
rear of Pt the platform is now available as an option on the range of Dyson step-frame low-loading semi-trailers sold in the...
TH E Prime Minister should be ashamed of himself and his party for their " miserable and inhuman" attitude towards...
and will be intensified, said Mr. Thomas Galbraith, Parliamentary Secretary, on Wednesday. He noted that last year Ministry...
FROM OUR POLMCAL CORRESPONDENT H USH-HUSH talks between representatives of the Road Haulage Association and the Conservative...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT pLANS for the transport industry figure prominently on the agenda of the first of the...
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T HE first Routemasters , in a provincial livery were inspected. on Monday when the. Northern. General .TransPort Co. Ltd....
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THE L.T.B. this week offered to increase the pay packets of its 33,000 bus drivers and...
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T HE need for better riding qualities in passenger vehicles, the possibility of further cost savings within the bus industry,...
was how Professor Colin Buchanan described the doubledecker bus to an audience of 250 local government officials, engineers and...
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Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association for 1964/65, with Mr. W. L. Russell as vice-president. Mr. John Hindle has been...
1-1 . A NEW 22-vehicle A licence was granted to Clanwest Transport Ltd., of Oldbury, at Birmingham on Tuesday. Opposition from...
A N A licence for seven vehicles of 25, tons to carry general goods within 50 miles, and to Hull, was granted to Killingbeck...
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1VIAGISTRATES at Feltham, Middx. IVL on Tuesday dismissed a test prosecution against Hall and Ham River .Ltd. of Croydon and...
T WO appeals by Sutton and Son (St. Helens) Ltd., came before the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday, when judgment was...
A HAULAGE firm director told the the . 1-1 Northern Licensing Authority at Durham on Monday that the objections to an...
ri k TINE vehicles were added to the fleet IN of R. Rankin and Sons, Newcastle upon Tyne, in a grant made on Tuesday • by the...
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A N application by J. Ainsworth and Co. (Bolton) Ltd. to switch 42 vehicles from C to B licence was refused last week by...
its decision in London last week on an appeal by a King's Lynn haulier who has been handling the East Anglian transport of...
B Y far the largest application to be 'notified this week—it occupies nearly a full page of the Metropolitan As and Ds "—is in...
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DRAKE drums made of a newly developed material which, it is claimed, give a life LP up to five times longer than normal drums...
used under conditions of nil visibility—principally thick fog— has been developed by the Watford company of S. G. Brown Ltd., a...
rt A NEW course and examination in vehicle bodywork has been prepared by the City and Guilds of London Institute, and details...
A GROWING acceptance and appreciation of British commercial vehicles in the markets of the world was reported by Mr. L. G. T....
T HE association between Adrolic Engineering Co. Ltd. and Intertruck Ltd. has ended and the latter company has moved to new...
rA A LICENCE to manufacture the Italian Viberti articulated and "road train" passenger vehicles has been granted to the two...
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O NE of the most eye-catching displays staged by General Motors at the New York World's Fair is a gas-turbinepowered...
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A.E.C. TRACTIVE UNITS FOR B.R.S.: British Road Services has ordered 240 tractive units from A.E.C. Ltd., comprising 100...
Arc Welding Hints—the Butt Weld in Downhand Position THE art of making a strong, and at the same time, tidy butt weld is not...
THIS week's prize-winner is Mr. T. B. Blackham, of Dudley, Worcs. Mr. Blackham says that he has successfully used a tool many...
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and Publications rOLLOWING the success of the special packs of Spire Speed Nuts marketed by Stenor LW. the concern has...
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BY G. W. HARRIMAN, C.B.E. Chairman and Managing Director, The British Motor Corporation Ltd. I N Britain the commercial...
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EYE VIEW By The Hawk Learning Language It has always surprised me that Britain has made such a success of exporting when we...
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FLEXIBILITY boosts export of refrigerated BY P. A. C. BROCKINGTON A.TV1.1.IVIECH.E. vehicles M OST refrigerated-vehicle...
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By F. K. MOSES A FEATURE of motor bus operation in Holland which cannot fail to impress the visitor is the widespread use of...
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in their Den BY ALAN HAVARD A.M. INST., T. N ORTH AMERICA is not high on the list of those countries to which British...
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Export-only Baron S a result of a thorough market survey, initially in the Middle East and subsequently in the Far East and...
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--a vital part of Export to Europe By A.J.P, Wilding A.IVLI.IVIech.E. 44 XPORT TO LIVE" is an exhortation that manu...
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T HE past year has been a good one for "The Commercial Motor" roadtest staff in that there have been plenty of vehicles...
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0 F what use is it to know that there are 11,700 C-licensed vehicles used to carry textiles, that 2,000 of those vehicles have...
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T HE availability of a recognized yardstick is a prerequisite to most commercial decisions. As stressed in this series,...
The parking of vehicles without lights is governed by two sets of regulations, one applying to London and the other elsewhere....
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George Ewer—Peak Profits THE results of GEORGE EWER covering 1963 (made 1. known a little earlier than the market had...
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New Hope of Fair Rates I HAVE followed with great interest your progress on the subject "Those Tipper Rates ", and would like...