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IN HIS own way, Minister of Transport David Howell demonstrates the same degree of resolve as that of his cabinet colleagues in...
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MANSPORT Secretary David iowell is trying to sell amenity orry controls to local authori:ies as part of his sweetening mckage...
THERE WILL be no real saving to the Government if heavy goods vehicle test stations are sold to private enterprise, Department...
FORD of Britain's pre-tax profits fell last year by E6m to £220m, and chairman and managing director Sam Toy has laid the...
BRITISH Steel Corporation inland transport manager Ian Dallison was elected president of the Freight Transport Association on...
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BRITISH dery prices should be reduced to Netherlands levels, so that British industry can compete more effectively with Europe,...
THE SALE of the Natior Freight Company to its e ployees has turned ideas of nationalisation on its her National Freight...
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FREIGHTLINER profit of £100,000 last year helped contribute °wards improved British Rail freight trading figures, and...
RISH Road Haulage Association o the streets in a repeat of I locked the cities of Dublin and members are threatening to take...
VINDSOR-based Hestair â ⢠arent of Hestair Dennis â has ecorded strong profits for the 'ear ending January 31, 1981....
THE Republic of Ireland will continue to push for an increase in its allocation of EEC and European Conference of Ministers for...
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RY DRIVER Alan Wright, who drove as a casual for Thomson iy Grove (Transport) Ltd at night after working during the day J....
A STUDY showing that German long distance drivers spend an average of more than 80 hours per week at the wheel has caused an...
lN-domestic ratepayers whose premises partly overlap enterse zones will receive a rate rebate for the year 1981-82. lates...
GRAMPIAN Holdings reports a "distinct drop in activity" in its transport group in the second half of last year. ⢠Chairman...
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AN EIGHT-TONNE gross weight limit on lorries in Greater London would result in an extra 241m gallons of fuel being consumed...
HAULIERS' demands for ferry services between Southampton and Portsmouth and Le Havre are being met by Townsend Thoresen,...
THE BRITISH Transport Docks Boar ports and handles about a quarter made a pre-tax loss of E10m last £11.5m in 1980....
EXCLUSIVE Cleansing Sen had to wait until last week, fore learning whether it been granted an operat licence to take over...
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I OWN-ACCOUNT operator is found guilty by Gravesend igistrates last week, after one its vehicles was stopped in irthfleet, Kent...
A KENT COMPANY has been fined a total of E125 by Gravesend Magistrates, after one of its ERF tractive units was stopped last...
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THE first four-wheel-drive conversion based on a Dodge 50-Series has recently entered service with the South-western region of...
LAST WEEK at Lucas Girling's proving ground in the Midlands Junior Transport Minister Reginald Eyre presented Crane Fruehauf...
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NO gas-turbine-powered ack chassis made an appearice at last week's Gas Turbine Dnference at Wembley, reports RAHAM MONTGOM...
OPERATORS are unhappy about several aspects of the proposed sideguard legislation, particulady the side impact requirements....
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LONDON TRANSPORT, as we know it, may not have long to live. Government patience with the Greater London Council's handling of...
BRITAIN'S bus industry in the year 2000 was the subject of discussion at the annual conference of the Scottish Council of the...
NATIONAL HOLIDAYS and tl Youth Hostels Association a launching the first ever pr gramme of coach tours linked accommodation at...
WOMEN-only buses couli operate in a part of London if tht voluntary organisation, Safi Women's Transport, h successful in its...
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EYLAND BUS is bowing to iarket pressure, and will soon nnounce a Gardner-engined ersion of the 11.6m Leyland 'atonal 2. This...
WEST MIDLANDS County Council has produced a guide to coach terminals and parks in its area. Coach drivers' guide to terminals...
DRIVERS' hours offences cost Everton Coaches of Droitwich and eight of its drivers £630 when they appeared before the town's...
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Gardner's new turbo GARDNER has launched a turbocharged version of its in-line eightcylinder engine, reports GRAHAM...
CHARGE COOLING is not the way to go for higher output with our existing engines, so says Paul Gardner of L. Gardner and Sons...
BEING SHOWN for the first tirm in the UK at the Institute of Rom Transport Engineers conferenci in Solihull will be the new Rub...
A NEW piston concept aimed at reducing engine friction Was announced last week by the AE group at its 1982 technical...
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kN DALLISON, the Freight ransport Association's newlylected president, may not be le best-known figure in road ⢠ansport...
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-1E APPOINTMENT of David Dwell as Transport Secretary at year was the latest step in a ide-ranging political career 3ting back...
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ceiving the report of the AngloFrench Study Group shortly. And we should be able to make an announcement next month. I.S.: Is...
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SUN and blue skies, a helicopter hovering overhead and what must have been the largest coach rally trade exhibition to date...
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ARBARA CASTLE's White aper 'The transport of freight' ublished in November 1967 icluded the words: "Major lenges in the rules...
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IDEA that lorry buyers need ore technical expertise from 3aler sales staff (an opinion ex'essed in the trade press reantly) and...
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THE OVERALL fuel return of 38.4 lit/100km (7.36mpg) is about average for 32-ton operation but as here, at 38 tonnes gross, is...
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Forty mph equals an engine speed of 1,200 rmp, at which point maximum torque occurs, but it proved willing to pull down to...
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SAM TOY,chairman and managing director of Ford, is a persuasive man. He speaks with great eloquence, the words sometimes coming...
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went up by £230, from £5,105 to £5,335, with no changes in standard specification. Perhaps Ford wants to give its dealers...
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THE LOCATION of the old Billingsgate market often bothered me. Flanked by some of London's most famous tourist attractions, it...
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THE DAY lorries, airports, or nuclear power stations become objects of public affection, this planet will be encircled by...
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VOITH Engineering would like to answer some of the questions raised in your correspondence column regarding Noel Millier's...
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TO ALL intents and purposes Taunton-based Langdon Industries looks a perfectly standard haulage company. And in most respects...
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So although the majority of the owner-drivers have opted for Fiats or Maggies, there are also some Volvo F7, F10 and F12 units,...
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BRITISH hauliers bemoaning the Budget should thank their lucky stars that they are not Liniel G. Gregory, Jr, a Virginia...
HAVING no gambling urge, would not stake my shirt on the Electric Terrier to catch the diesel-engined 71/2-tonne hare....
ROGER WILLIAMS, a young man who certainly put on his metaphorical skates when he founded and developed the vehicle hire...
DID Sir Alec Cairncross, the Government's official adviser, toss a coin before reporting that the economic prospects of a...
THE incredibly detailed knowledge of their subjects exhibited by the experts in the BBC television Antiques Roadshow series is...
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(Express), and also takes on the responsibility for the National Travel (West) operational unit at Cheltenham and Bristol. Mr...
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J PARALLEL with strenuous forts of British industrialists Id other fleet operators to .3hieve higher gross vehicle 'eights, an...