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Hauliers Need Not Fear Rail Competition : No Excuse for Rate-cutting A the year wears on, the failure of the railways to grasp...
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URING the past year or two much has been heard of the question of establishing reserves of vehicles for maintenance purposes....
Large Order for Sofas? A READER suggests that, as striking can now be classed almost as a disease, it is up to our doctors to...
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Of many who think that Mr. Harold Watkinson is doing an "A.1 " job. That oil-engine-silencing experiments seem to be producing...
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W HEN Hebble Motor Services, Ltd., and Yelloway Motor Services, Ltd., applied on Monday to run excursions from Halifax to...
By A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ESS lively marketing conditions for heavy commercial vehicles, " because of credit restrictions and...
N OBODY is going to pretend that, confined as they are by the terms of their C licence to carry none but their own goods in...
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I F the British Transport Commission grant wage increases and incur further deficits, they will receive no additional aid from...
QUPPORT was given on Tuesday by s-- ) the long-distance hauliers' committee of the Road Haulage Association to a demand for...
were no local haulage facilities in the Formby area of Lancashire, tradespeople requiring a smalls service had to employ...
A FTER an all-day hearing at West Hartlepool, on Tuesday, the Northern Traffic Commissioners deferred decision on an...
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O BJECTING to the addition of one vehicle to a haulier's B licence, British Railways submitted at Bristol, on Monday, that if a...
MR. PAUL RUSTED, sales promotion manager of E. R. Howard, Ltd., has become administrative assistant to the board. MR. L. P....
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D ECISIONS were given by the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh, last week, on four appeals reported on this page. A reserved...
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Scottish Decision Causes Uncertainty in Northern Area : More Applications Granted T HE advantages of fares based on a mileage...
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S HOULD a large haulier keep some of his vehicles in reserve for maintenance purposes, or should he be allowed to add extra...
CARE increases which willsyield about £52.000 in a full year were granted last week to the Burnley, Colne and Nelson Joint...
Bell, welding engineers and sheet- . metal workers, of Liverpool, for a new A licence was refused by Mr. J. R. Lindsay, North...
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A FTER being carried from Yorkshire to London by a night trunk service, goods destined for towns in the outer London area were...
E VIDENCE of an enlightened outJ—Alook on roads was given last Friday by Mr. Harold Watkinson. Minister of Transport, in a...
T HEMetropolitan Police have been experimenting with flares which can be put in the road sufficiently far away from an accident...
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More Space: A 230,000-sq.-ft. factory at Crewe is to be taken over from Kelvinator by Rolls-Royce, Ltd. Natal Sub-depot:...
A FTER travelling 450 miles in a day, a lorry driver suggested to his employers that the trip should be rearded as taking two...
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A FIER admitting that they bought a tipper seven months ago with the idea of entering the haulage field; Currie and Wyatt,...
E XTENSIONS which will more than .1—+ double the size of the existing plant are nearing completion at the Elmore factory of...
DECAUSE a workman drove a dumper off a building site to a coffee stall half a mile away, McCarthy E. Fitt, Ltd., building...
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i k N appeal has been lodged by 1 - "k Durban Transport Board with the Secretary for Transport in Pretoria against the decision...
I - 1 A FARES " battle " between two coach operators serving Wokingham, Berks, entered a fresh phase last week. Smith's Luxury...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, \AT HEN a Welshman says, "Let's get away from politics," he means, "Let's have a long talk about...
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p RINC1PAL aim behind the construction of the latest Thames vehicles from the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., has been to increase the...
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F OR four years Leyland Comets have been working a 15-hoar day in the hands of Omo Sawmills of Nigeria, Ltd., who have...
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A S announced in the October II issue of The Commercial Motor, one of the transmission highlights of the Glasgow Show will be...
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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk THERE is, I learn, no likelihood that the provincial bus I companies will capitulate to any new...
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R E-ENTRY of Albion Motors, Ltd., into the eight-wheeler market is marked by the introduction today of a lightweight...
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Side-operating A COMPLETE range of sider operating fork-lift carriers, rangingin capacity from 4,000 lb. to 30,000 lb. and...
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S UFFICIENT time has now elapsed for members of the Road Haulage Association to take a detached view of their 1957 conference,...
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A NEW mobile butchery shop, based on a NEW CAZ chassis, is being shown for the first time at the Scottish Motor Show from...
A IR OPERATED brakes. together with an independent transmission hand brake, are to be fitted to all Foclen vehicles for the...
O RDERS totalling nearly £250,000 for six-wheeled 4,000-gal. tankers, required for fuel distribution in Iran, have been placid...
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Easy Reference from One Form to Another is Important in Compiling a System for Vehicle Operation L AST week I explained that...
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rt A FIRE-ENGINE with several new features has been built by H.C.B. Engineering, Ltd., Totton, Southamp-. ton. It is designed...
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nRAKING a heavy vehicle can be too arduous a duty for a single disc. and for-this reason brakes are now being made having-two...