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From the Rt.. Hon. Alfred Barnes, M.P., Minister of Transport T SHOULD like, through" The Commercial Motor . ," to convey to...
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says Major-Gen. G. N. Russell, C.B., C.B.E., M.Inst.T. Chairman, Road Transport Executive TN all sincerity and with an aware'...
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Of earls caught last week and Earls Colin this. Of great hopes that many overseas orders will also be bagged. That our ship...
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A.E.C. GROUP REORGANIZED: NEW DIRECTORS A S from to-day, the manufacturing and selling business of the Associated Equipment...
Operating Centre Refused 'THE, first applications to be made by hauliers for permission to change their I operating centres,...
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Mn. H. E. JOHNSON, secretary of Dennis•Bros., Ltd., has been appointed a director. SIR JAMES GRIGG has become a director of...
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Strong Opposition AANY factors making an increase in 1.Virevenue desirable were put forward on Monday when Liverpool...
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DENNIS INTRODUCES NEW O.H.V. PETROL ENGINE A N overhead-valve version of the Dennis 3.77-litre side-valve petrol engine has...
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Messages to "The Commercial Motor" from: F. I. Connolly, President, S.M.M.T. riNHE first International Commerj_ cial Motor...
Chairman, Commercial Vehicle (Light and Medium) Committee, S.M.M.T. 0 N the eve of the Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition,...
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C.B., C.B.E., Chairman, Heavy Vehicle Manufacturers' Section and Vice-President, S.M,M.T. T l-IE International Commercial...
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* Vehicle Exhibits * Albion Stand 43 T HE centre of attraction on the Albion stand is the Chieftain 5-6-ton forward-control...
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BARNARD Stand 113 T HE platform-bodied trailer exhibited is designed to carry loads up to 3 tons, the size of the platform...
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One of the latest aids to mechanical handling is the Anthony tailboard loader (Stand 98). The ambulance shown by Barker and...
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BRITAIN'S BEST in BODYWORK ANTHONY Stand 98 R ECENTLY the Anthony hydraulic tailboard loader was introduced in this country....
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T HREE types of proprietary engine designed for commercialvehicle application are shown on Stand 401 by Henry Meadows. Ltd. The...
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a Sulk-load Vehicle Over Distances Ranging from 6o to 70o Miles 'Raises the Question How Overtime Affects • Haulage Charges...
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OW that the Show is open, the veil of mystery surrounding the Morris-Commercial programme is lifted." These words, quoted from...
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T HE first passenger chassis with an aluminium-alloy frame is exhibited at Earls Court on the stand of Jensen Motors, Ltd.,...
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Hau liers Urged to Oppose All Applications to Licensing Authoritiq by R.T.E. T HE future - of the road transport industry,...
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By Our Special Correspondent R EPRESENTATIVES of ancillary users' organizations from Great Britain, France, Switzerland,...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications O PERATION of trailer brakes by — , compressed air is the subject of...