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W HEN considering the comparative merits . of road and rail services it is a matter of surprise how few people grasp the...
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been Issued under the Road Traffic Act will be in evidence at the forthcoming Olympia Exhibition by the number of new chassis...
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That if blue petrol won't stop pinking, what will? The query : "Are there such things as luxury roads?" Of those who think...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which if...
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secured in an unique way A London Transport User Faces the Cut-rates Problem with Higher Standards of Operation, Instead of...
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I T frequently happens that a vehicle operating concern which is in a position to accumulate a large quantity of old...
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OF A 20-SEATER Various Seating Plans for Coaches and Buses to Accommodate 20 Passengers. How to Arrange All Seats in the...
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NEW STEWART RANGE F01/ 1932 Morgan Hastings, Ltd., .212, New King's Road, London, S.W.6, which holds the marketing tights...
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The Struggle Between Road and Railway Interests is World-wide A T the present time there seems to be a tendency in all...
with excellent qualities By a Timber Salesman T HERE is little doubt that if more were known of its properties and numerous...
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The Von Keller System, which Involves the Use of a Rotating and Tipping Body W E are able this week to publish an illustrated...
The LONDON County Council is buying two Guy lorries. WEST HAM Corporation is considering extending its ambulance fleet. The...
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TAGES OF Low-PRESSUM PNEUMATICS Not Only are Special Concession and Increased Speed Allowed fi Definite Benefits Accrue. An •...
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British Mercedes Benz, Ltd., Produces an 114onner with Carrimore Trailing Unit. The Standard Fourwheeled Model In Shortened...
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of Passenger Transport CO-ORDINATED SERVICES FOR CARLISLE The Ribble Company Buys Out Carlisle Operators F MIOLLOWING the...
Details Extracted from the Gazettes Published by Area Traffic Commissioners During the Week T HE following are the times and...
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The Southern Railway Objects to Competing Fast . Road Services A T a recent sitting of the SouthEastern Traffic Commissioners,...
Some Aspects of the Past Year's Working of One of the Largest Municipal Bus Undertakings A LTHOTJGH Glasgow Corporation...
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Local Councils Recommend that Bus Services be Licensed A S briefly announced last week, the two appeals , by Burnells Motors,...
Initial Stage of the Company's Co-ordination Programme now Completed A NEWscheme of inter-availability of return tickets was...
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Co-operative Societies' ,Coach Services. During the past week the South Eastern Commissioners have given their decision on the...
found in 4 the Morris vans that will be marketed for 1932, the reason being that the 1931 models have proved so successful. The...
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The "Lancashire Plateway" and the Rutway Transport System. The Cessation of W.D. Con tracts Justified More About the Danger...
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the new and twenty-eighth edition of " The Motor Manual" it is appropriate to remark that it coincides with the coming of a new...
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How a Fully Loaded Standard Vehicle Behaved During a Strenuous Run of Over 1 . 00 Miles. Outstanding Characteristics are Good...
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DOUBLEDECKER Further Details of an Interesting Halley Chassis Built to Carry a Large-capacity Passenger Body .1 N our issue...
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HAULIER and CARRIER " Will i/be Profitable for Me to Operate an Oil-engined Vehicle?" Wise Counsel is Given on this Subject by...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications I N patent No. 253,450 the TimkenDetroit Axle Co., 122, Clark Avenue,...