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Our Three Principal Civilian-transport Schemes Prove Widely Acceptable. We have frequently been told that THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR...
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Why New and Replacement Orders Extend to the Lighter Types. The duty of helping to keep the wheels of industry turning may...
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We Staunchly Commend the Claims of High-speed Rubber—tired Steam Wagons. Not a single steam-driven wagon or lerrF, other than...
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Th0 chances of war, than which we presume there are no greater uncertainties, have rendered this journal, as the recognized...
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Of freight frights. " SeeLeh the scaremonger." That Germany is badly off for petrol, That they are all business motors now....
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An Overall Increase of 10 Per Cent. is Fully Justified by Events. The consequences of the vat: are not yet brought home to...
Steps Towards Avoidance of Unnecessary Hurt to Overseas Owners. We trust dart the Government will see its way to vary the...
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Instances of Successful Assistance by British-made Agrimotors. One of the most reassuring factors in respect. of the question...
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Widespread response due to our extensive mail-card notifications of the 8th and 10th August--Co-operation of Chambers of...
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As these anxious days creep by, we, of tlw commercial-vehicle industry, arc finding ourselves pressed more and more forward...
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The unusual character of the pressure on our available space again accounts for the omission of numerous regular features. The...
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Remarkable Success of Our Efforts to Mitigate the Effects of the Transfers of Labour in the Industry. 547 Applications Promptly...
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Most of the unusual circumstances which are now found to be making such calls upon the commercial vehicle as a whole, are...
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We are greatly surprised to find that the L.C.C. has allowed one of its departments to proceed in the matter of an action under...
It is probably the fact that so large a proportion of British-built motor vehicles are fitted with Germanmade magnetos that has...
The London omnibus companies have been subjected to a certain amount of imposition on the part of those wearing uniforms in...
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Payment for Commandeered Vehicles. It is with the utmost restraint that we treat in print any W.D. subject in a manner which...
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The shortage of steam-wagon drivers is likely to continue for some months to come, unless arrangements ue made for training new...
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The industry is faced with a considerable number of immediate recruits to its ranks. We ask for assurances that proper...
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Another busy week has passed in connection with our Employment Bureau, and large numbers of further names have been sent in by...
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The Problem of Returned Empties. "Dear Sir or Madam,— " It may not be realised by a large number of our customers that our...
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A typical inquiry (dated 17th inst.) reads :—" Having taken th., • CM. now for some time, I havebeen interested as u tradesman...
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We Reproduce the Text of the New Act of Parliament Giving the Board of Trade Powers to Nullify German Patents, and the Text of...
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Of Berlin wool gathering. That the van keeps coming on. • Made in Germany--unmade in Belgium." That no electricity has been...
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When the Belgian national archives were withdrawn from Brussels to Antwerp they were taken in motor wagons. S.M.M.T. and...
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Although many people realize by now that the first Expeditionary Force of the British Army has a great array of motor transport...
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During the present state of affairs, we shall substitute this new feature for our usual " Drivers' and Mechanics'...
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We have recently been in touch with the White-Coleman Motors, Ltd., Carlow Street, Camden Town, London, N.W., concerning the...
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Extra Platform Space from Trailer. [2453] (Manchester).—A rubber-tired steam lorry may have a trailer attached to it, but the...
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New Crossley Sleeve-poppet Valve. Adjustable Roller Bearings. cooled Sleeve Valves. Checking Lear-spring Vibration. Water...