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ttendances at Manchester, during the first few days of the Exhibition, were not up to the expectations of exhibitors, but...
We are sorry to learn that the Excise authorities have been working, during the past 21 weeks, in the direction of the early...
The great Antarctic disaster, of which news has come to hand telling of the death of the advance band of explorers after it had...
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The unique facilities, which are almost invariably offered to this journal in regard to publicity for all sorts and conditions...
The Clerk to the Lancashire County Council Favours a Ten-ton Maximum Weight. Chatting with Mr. Harcourt E. Clare, at the...
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FROM MANCHESTER: That the census was a keen one. That Sir Kenneth Crossley spoke kindly. That everybody's round the 13-type...
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We Reproduce the Official Certificate of Performance in Regard to the Trial. Our readers have had the benefit in these...
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The industrial Exhibits at the City Hall, Manchester. "It were black as t' fleet" during the major portion of the preliminary...
PARCELCARS. flenault. Stand 2. A promising little model, of a class which is meeting with much success on the Continent, is...
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An L.G.B. inquiry will take place at Southampton to-morrow (Friday), in regard to the Town Council's application for a loan of...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commescial houses. 7 ; 2:7 Battery Vans. The R.A.C. report on...
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Latecome s at Manchester.-By " The Extractor." Drivers Ufant Badges. The opening day of the Show was quiet, but on Saturday...
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The Head of a Manchester Carrying and Forwarding Concern which Dates Back to the Year 1824 Gives his Views By the Editor. The...
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The Experiences of a Local Carrier With Public Passenger Transport. On the opening day of the Show at the City Hall, we had...
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Agrimotor and Steam-plough Tests near Vienna. Recently, the Imperial and Royal Agricultural Society organized, on a farm in...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any Points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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a The Editor invites correslandence On all subjects connected with the use of commer.ial motors. Letters shouid he on one side...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one ?enny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sale Branch, Patent...