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Our Inadequat e Roads Waste More Than an Efficient System of Highways Would Cost T HERE is a tendency in some quarters to...
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M UCH interest has been taken recently in the possibility of adapting resin-bonded glassfibre material to the construction of...
The Bus that Daddy Built N OT many children are fortunate enough to travel in "The bus that Daddy built," yet this happened...
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That in the face of disaster party politics should go to earth. That imports of crude petroleum in 1952 almost reached 6,000m....
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the Chancellor of the Exchequer to protest against the present level of taxation on oil fuel and to present a case for...
on Monday by a majority of 39 votes. Mr. Lennox-Boyd, Minister of Transport, declared that the disturbance to transport caused...
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Adequate Representation of Scottish Interests in New Transport System road services might be disposed of outside Scotland....
T HE State-owned Scottish bus coinpanics have made no effort to improve their long-distance services to London because railway...
T HE Thesiger Committee met on Wednesday and yesterday to consider the memorandum submitted to it by the Municipal Passenger...
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Ma. G. W. has been appointed Eastern Traffic Area representative of the Thornycroft. organization. MR. R. B. WHEELLII,...
A 500-HOUR endurance test of a IA Leyland 9.8-litre oil engine was recently carried out under the supervision of inspectors...
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on Night Service A N Order to the Licensing Authority to amend the conditions relating to duplication on a Manchester-Glasgow...
A PPEALS lodged by the Railway Executive, W. C. Standcrwick, Ltd., and Scout Motor Services, Ltd., against a decision of the...
Quarter Sessions Appeal Committee allowed an appeal by a haulier, with costs against the police. Mr. Frank Whittock, Peasedown...
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A NEW range of International trucks .1 - 1 gives a choice of 168 chassis and 296 wheelbases, the vehicles covering gross laden...
A NEW BEARING EXTRACTOR IN a new ball-bearing and roller" bearing extractor known as the Tracta, produced by Civitas Trading...
13 EFORE the Transport Tribunal, on Monday, objectors to the application of the British Transport Commission to increase fares,...
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T HE motion by J. O'Connor (Haula g e) Ltd. (reported in The Commercial Motor last week) for injunctions a g ainst four shop...
T HE bench of Bradford City Court adjourned, last week, consideration of a case in which a haulier accused of breaches of the...
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A PROVISIONAL arrangement has I - % been made by George Ewer and Co., Ltd., to buy Ardley Bros. Coaches, Ltd., Dowsett Road,....
I N most stoppages of work, the cause was stupidity or lack of.commonsense on the part of a minor representative of management....
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A N R.A.F. officer told the West Midland Licensing Authority, last week, that the rush of airmen returning to Fradley camp on a...
W HEN Pattullo, Barr and Co., Ltd., Carolina Fort, Dundee, appeared, last week, in Dundee police court on charges of breaches...
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51 1 i-ton Load By Laurence J. Cotton, .1.11.T.E. T HE road between Mansfield and Nottingham is hilly and carries a fair...
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A N .£80m. claim for damages has been lodged by Pennsylvania hauliers against the American railways. The Eastern Railroad...
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By JANUS Who are these coming to the sacrifice? To what green altar, 0 mysterious priest, Lead'st thou that heifer lowing at...
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RATION Long Life, Excellent Performance and Satisfactory Experience over 43 Years, Have Made the Trolleybus Bradford's Choice...
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A Decade of Development in Chassis Design Shows Marked Progress in Oilengine Construction O F 511 British vehicles with payload...
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Although Many Undertakings are to Introduce 2d. Minimum Single Fare, Northern General is to Keep Id. Unit for Short Stages P...
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Appeal in connection r - k with hire purchase has reversed what had come to be regarded as the law, because, although the point...
A RECENT Act of Parliament which came somewhat unheralded into existence, and would appear to be of little interest to...
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T HE type VIGIC medium industrial tractor made by David Brown Tractors Ltd., Meltharn, Yorkshire, is now available for general...
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Continuing His Advice to Hauliers Tendering for Hire by Local Authorities, "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Recommends that...
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vehicles on the Hanley-Milton route during the morning and afternoon peak periods, the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd., has...
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THE leader "Urban Traffic Uncertainties" in your issue dated January 9, recalled to my mind how "The Commercial Motor" once...