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.4-3A T no time in the long history of mechanical transport by road has there been a greater need for unity in combating the...
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'W E are indebted to The Motor for some very striking figures relating to the consumption of motor spirit in this country. In...
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That the wise salesman goes where funds are. That if salesmanship caves in works close down. That the wise designer has taken...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever paints arising, as a carriage Is by the...
MHE Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1931, made by the Minister of Transport under the Road Traffic Act, also...
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As from March 1st next Lt.-Col. A. W. C. Richardson, D.S.O., will become operating manager of the London General Omnibus Co„...
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The watch committee of Colchester Corporation is to consider sites for a central motor park. Liverpool Corporation's tramways...
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" Safety First" Association, is to address a conference of local authorities in the Council Chamber of the Guildhall, on...
THUNDERSLEY (Essex) Parish Council is obtaining tenders for a fire-engine. Cianeevorto Urban District Council is to buy a...
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High Power at Low Speeds and an Even Torque make this New Design Interesting to our Branch of the Industry I N our issue dated...
A FEW days ago, in order to draw widespread attenon to certain recommendations in the Final Report of the Royal Commission on...
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THE ROYAL COMMISSION O UR chief objection to the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Transport is in connection with the...
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T HE dimensions of the chassis that is designed as the basis of a coach or single-deck bus body, having a capacity ranging from...
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LIVESTOCK TRANSPORT N OT every country haulier who sometimes employs his vehicles for the conveyance of livestock realizes...
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Under the Road Traffic Act T kih Road Traffic Act provides that a driver shall not be convicted for failing to produce his...
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A VALUABLE addition has been made to the range of Dennis passenger chassis, and we have had the opportunity for inspecting an...
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it REMARKABLE six wheeled goods chassis has been produced by the Relay Motors Corporation, Lima, Ohio, U.S.A., according to our...
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F OR many years Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Stemford, has been known as one of the most experienced concerns in connection with...
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I N the past few months a vast reorganization scheme has been undertaken at the works of Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton. A very...
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T TNDER the terms of the first ) schedule of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, heavy motorcars which are constructed or adapted for...
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Passenger Travel A S compared with previous years, 1930 was a quiet period in the Irish motorbus and motor-coach industry. The...
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Magistrates Decide that Return Tickets Issued Outside Swansea are Permissible A N interesting reserved judgment has now been...
Promising Outcome of a Meeting Called by the Motor Hirers' and Coach Services Association A MEETING of delegates from...
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Another Important Group of Independent Motorbus Operators Comes Together A SSOCIATIONS of the smaller owners and operators of...
The Dispute Still Unsettled : An Explanation of the Root of the Trouble D ESPITE the Ministry of Transport rebuke, reported in...
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A N interesting new conversion set for Ford 30-cwt. chassis has recently been placed upon the market by the Queen's Road...
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T BE present lack of organization of the road goods-transport industry is most striking mid offers what I believe to be one of...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3306] Sir,—I have just been reading through the final report of the Royal Commission on...
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THE HAULIER AND CARRIER S 11 I EXPECT that several readers will have found the need for explanation of some of the items in...
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TIATEINTT No. 339,684, by C. ;E. Rackham and the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.. relates to a device which forms a free wheel...