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A T last the value of road transport in case of war appears to be becoming fully appreciated, even by the Minister of...
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A PARTICULARLY interesting debate took place recently in Birmingham between members of the Commercial Motor Users Association...
Efforts to Promote ROGRESS made in the Industry in Depressed I industrial development of Areas the Special (Distressed) Areas...
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That apparently the Sketchley Guys never say die. That milk is one of the " bulwarks " of road transport. That the TyresoIes...
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GOODS VEHICLES REACH A PEAK IN NOVEMBER. A T the end of November, 1988, the number of licences current in respect of goods...
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NEW INDUSTRIES NEED MORE MOTORS. WHEN Mr. F. W, Riches, haulier, W Hockham, Norfolk, applied to the Eastern Licensing...
J UDGMENT was given, last Friday, in favour of Burn Transit, Ltd., haulage contractor, Tooting, in the action brought by it, at...
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Sheffield Corporation is buying 15 A.E.C. Regent double-deck buses. Beurnemouth Corporation has ordered 16 Leyland double-deck...
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Hauliers in the U.S.A. Find Many Difficulties With Individual State Laws But Authorities are Less Obsessed With Idea of...
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Fighting on Every Front By Roger W. Sewill, . National Director, Associated Road Operators T " year 1939 has begun with the...
Cilimpse Into the Future By F. G. Bristow, C.B.E., General Secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association DERFIAPS it...
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The problem of transport is one affecting the whole trade and commerce of the country,. Industry needs adequate transport...
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By R. P. Bailey, Secretary, National Road Transport Employers . Federation, London and Home Counties Haulage Contractors...
By Ham ish MacDougall, A.C.I.S., A.B.I., Secretary of the Scottish Carriers' and Haulage Contractors' Association IF I were...
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By J. A. Dunnage, Secretary, Industrial Transport Association. T "year 1939 is greeted by members of the Industrial Transport...
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AN "ERNATIONAL SHOP-WINDOW NDUSTRIAL vehicles Once again form the largest section of the Salon de Bruxelles, now in progress....
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of corn mercial motors. Letters should be written on...
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Brush Concern Creates Subsidiary to Deal Exclusively with Passenger Bodywork of Composite and All-metal Types T HE building of...
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New Basis, So as to We Need Give the Public their Best Service A National Transport Council! T HERE is much. to be said for...
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The "Steel-Tile" Ring Devised Expressly for Rejuvenating Engines with Worn Cylinders G OOD reports reach us of a new steel...
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TRANSPORT WAR AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. The meeting had been made an open one, because both the travelling public and the...
difficulties, B.R.F. says: " Railway reorganization should proceed in the direction of centralizing freight work on the larger...
The Commercial Motor costs expert, addressed members of A.R.O., the occasion being his third appearance in this town. It is...
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I. areas of the C.M.U.A., working in conjunction with the Amalgamated Horse and Motor Owners' Association, are making a,...
IN the near future, members would 1 be asked to vote as to whether they were in favour of a merger between the C.M.U.A. and...
T HE feeling of an audience of over 60 was obviously with S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, when, at Oxford, on...
Forwards? ". Such is the title of the B.R.F.'s latest propaganda leaflet, signed by Lord Howe, chairman of the Federation. It...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT LONDON TRANSPORT TO RAISE FARES A S was anticipated, London Transport is shortly to raise fares on its...
IMPORTANT questions relating to the safety of passengers in buses operated by Manchester Corporation were asked by the...
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supply of a new type of fire tender to meet the requirements of the emergency fire-brigade organization has been placed by the...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published A DESIGN, savouring strongly of Continental practice, is...