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0 NE of the provisions of the new Road Traffic Bill, now ending its tortuous path through Parliament, has been declared as...
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T HERE is a tendency for bus operators to approve restrictions on the loading and unloading of goods vehicles in the interests...
No Day Off W RITING in the July issue of The Road Way, the official organ of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. G. W. Irwin,...
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From a keen observer, that the greatest changeover to oil engines for road vehicles appears to be amongst operating concerns...
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By Our Parliamentary Correspondent A N important amendment is to be made to the clause in the Road 1-1 Traffic Bill which...
T HE Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., have taken over the business of E. Naylor and Sons, Ltd., South Normanton, Derbys, who...
exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show in September. They are the German KlockncrHumboldt-Deutz and Volkswagen, the Swedish...
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THERE are hopes that British Road Services will soon agree to submit applications for licences for consideration by the...
IT is expected that the employers' side I of the National Joint Industrial Council for the road passenger transport industry...
T HE main transport contract for the Kariba hydro-electric dam scheme has been awarded to Kariba Transport, Ltd., a member of...
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E XTENSION of the borough LA boundary to include Stockport . Corporation's new housing estate at Brinnington, has fanned...
MR. A. W, MORRISON has joined Expandite, Ltd., as technical manager responsible for production and development. MR. L. CHARMAN...
P ASSENGERS travelling by Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., from Newton Abbot to Heathfield had to alight at Drum...
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A N apology for remarks made by Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, for " the British Transport Commission, at an inquiry in April was...
A CLAIM that the British Transport 1 - 1 Commission were continually attempting to import into the Allison appeal decision...
A N application by W. Knowles and Sons (Garages), Ltd., Bolton, to take over the Bolton excursion and tour licence of Webster...
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P LANS for a "broad campaign" to increase the staggering of working hours are to be announced by the Minister of Transport in...
DVANTAGES to be gained by 1— L staggering working hours were stressed by Mr. Hugh Molson, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the...
" W E are granting this application because of the public's requirements, and secondarily for those of the operators concerned....
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evidence in support of an ‘-- 3 applicant for a B licence to carry cattle, a farmer told the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing...
WHEN F. Phillips (Haulage), Ltd., VV Sheffield, successfully applied to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week to...
S HAREHOLDERS of Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., were told at the company's annual meeting, on Monday, that whilst...
S AID to be the first case based on the principles of the Allison decision to come' up in the East Midland area, a successful...
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Warrington Station: The establishment of a bus station in Winwick Street is being considered by Warrington Corporation....
S EVEN improvement schemes on the A5 road between Atherstone and Gailey, two on A34 between Stone and Talke and five between...
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A FTER a six-day hearing, the East Midland Licensing Authority reserved his decision last Friday on the application by McVeigh...
D UR1NG May, commercial vehicles were produced at the rate of 6,294 a week, the total for the month being 25,176. Of these,...
W/HEN Hudson's Motors, New Mills, VY applied to the North Western Licensing Authority at Manchester, last Friday, for the...
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GRIT IN TH. RANKCASE Alansazith Debasement of Charges by the Few Hampers Reputable Hauliers' Efforts to Advance Prices...
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W INNER of the Oxford eliminating contest for the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition at Kidlington airport last Sunday was...
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License Clearing Houses THE letter from Mr. C. It 1Beekes (July 6) on the A subject of rate-cutting encourages me to point out...
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Wilkinson's is One of Some 48 Independent Stage Operators in Durham: Fleet of Uniform Make: Profit on is. 9d. a Mile By C. S....
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A N exhaust brake, if fittpd to a petrol engine, would provide little more braking effect than that normally afforded by the...
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More Equal Than Others S UGGESTIONS that I made on J une 22 and June 29 for rationalizing the wages structure in the road ....
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BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A NEW clause seeking to reduce the amount of excise duty on public service vehicles was...
B ECAUSE of an error in calculating penalties, the published results of the Coventry round of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
A CENTURY of progress in bus design was seen by large crowds of people in Regent's Park, London, on Monday, when the London...
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Give False Information in Seeking Insurance Cover : Insurance Company May Repudiate Liability A N unusual insurance case of...
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T HERE are tour closely related kinds of inquiry of which I am receiving quite a number just now. The first relates to the...
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A N injection pump that will, it is claimed, deliver such small charges as 2 to 4 cu. mm. is disclosed in patent No. 749,568...